

(1.中国矿业大学 国家煤加工与洁净化工程技术研究中心,江苏 徐州 221116; 2.郑州大学 河南资源与材料产业河南省协同创新中心 河南 郑州 450000)

摘 要:颗粒气泡间相互作用力及液膜薄化破裂动力学是揭示浮选黏附机理的核心,也是近年来浮选胶体化学领域的研究热点。为深入明晰浮选黏附机理,对当前颗粒气泡间相互作用力及液膜排液动力学模型理论研究进展进行了系统综述。对于颗粒气泡间相互作用力,疏水引力可克服颗粒气泡间范德华力和静电斥力,诱发黏附。不同作用程范围内疏水力的来源机制不同:长程疏水力(>20 nm)主要源于固液界面亚微米/纳米气泡桥接,而短程疏水力(<20 nm)则主要源于固液界面水分子重排效应。由于疏水力强烈的吸引性和气液界面变形,颗粒气泡间疏水力的定量表征仍存在较大的挑战。对于颗粒气泡间液膜排液动力学模型,最具代表性的有Stefan-Reynolds平坦膜模型,Taylor模型和Stokes-Reynolds-Young-Laplace(SRYL)模型。Stefan-Reynolds及Taylor模型并未考虑排液过程中气泡表面曲率的变化,其应用存在着较大的局限性。SRYL模型则在描述液膜薄化速率的同时,兼顾了气泡表面在流体力和表面力等外力作用下的变形行为。在给定起始与边界条件下,SRYL模型通过数值迭代法与液膜排液试验测试结果对比,可以计算出颗粒气泡间的相互作用力信息;也可通过与相互作用力试验结果对比获得液膜排液数据。在今后的研究中,应重点将SRYL模型与试验测试相结合,对颗粒气泡间疏水力进行定量表征,揭示浮选黏附机理。



γSG=γSL+γLGcos θ




ΔG=γLG(1-cos θ)



1 颗粒气泡间相互作用力

1.1 DLVO力











1.2 疏水力及其来源机制

LASKOWSKI 和KITCHENER[5]首次发现了甲基化石英表面润湿膜的自发薄化破裂现象,并猜测疏水化石英基板与气泡间可能存在一种吸引力克服排斥性的范德华及双电层力。BLAKE 和KITCHENER[6]进一步测量了气泡与不同接触角的石英基板间的液膜临界破裂厚度,发现疏水性石英表面的润湿膜破裂厚度在60~220 nm变化,指出与传统DLVO力相比该吸引力具有更长的作用范围。1982年,PASHLEY和ISRAELACHVILI[7-8]首次实现了疏水力的定量表示,他们利用表面力仪(SFA)测量了十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB)存在体系中云母间的相互作用力,发现疏水力以1 nm的衰变长度按单指数模型衰减。自此,众多学者相继利用SFA,原子力显微镜(AFM)及薄膜压力平衡技术(TFB)对疏水力进行了测量[9-28]。然而,目前关于疏水力的来源机制及大小仍是一个充满争议的课题,疏水样品的制备方法及力测试手段均对结果有着很大影响,难以找到一个通用机制可以适用并概括所有的疏水力测试结果[29]


图1 疏水力来源机制[30]Fig.1 Possible mechanisms for hydrophobic force[30]

固水界面水分子重排可能是诱发短程疏水力的主要原因。水分子难以与疏水固体表面分子发生氢键作用,疏水界面的存在会打散体相水分子氢键笼形网状结构。因此,水分子趋向于恢复原有笼形配置使得疏水界面会受到“排挤”作用产生疏水力。MEZGER等[31]利用高能X射线反射技术对十八烷基三氯硅烷(OTS)覆盖的二氧化硅-水界面的水分子结构和密度云图进行了检测(图2),X射线穿过系列复合折射透镜(CRL)完成聚焦,发现界面存在0.5 nm左右的水分子排空区,这也直接说明了疏水性OTS与水分子间存在一定的排斥作用,界面水分子处于热力学不稳定状态。ERIKSSON等[32]则推导了基于水分子结构有序性的疏水力模型,随着分离距离的减小水分子有序性系数增加,模型能够很好的预测疏水力行为。HAMMER 等[33]指出疏水表面对界面水分子氢键排列顺序的影响仅在几个水分子层内起作用(0~1 nm),这意味着水分子重排只能诱发短程疏水力。TABOR 等[34]使用AFM对油滴间相互作用力进行了测试,通过配制与油滴折射率相等的溶剂来有效屏蔽范德华力,试验疏水力按0.3 nm(水分直径)的衰减长度衰减,进一步验证了基于水分子重排的短程疏水力假说,然而仍然存在部分文献结果与该假说相矛盾[12-13,35]。如熵起源力应受系统温度的影响,ISHIDA等[19]发现短程疏水力并不具有温度响应行为。

图2 MEZGER等实验系统及测试结果[31]
Fig.2 Experimental setup and results of MEZGER etc[31]


CHRISTENSEN和CLAESSON[26]认为疏水界面间亚稳态液膜空化作用是产生长程疏水引力的原因。利用SFA对碳氢化合物及氟碳化合物表面间的表面力进行了测量,通过监视中间介质的光学折射率变化发现了空化气泡的生成。但空化是在界面接触前还是在接触后产生仍存在一些争议,YAKUBOV等[39]及AZADI 等[40]发现AFM力曲线中疏水颗粒间的跳入黏附距离随着接近次数的增加逐渐增加至最大,如图3所示。这说明第1次颗粒间接触后的分离压降诱导了空化气泡的形成,再次接触时由于界面空化气泡的存在产生长程疏水力。FAGHIHNEJAD和ZENG[41]则使用SFA-正置光学显微镜连用系统对不同电解质浓度下的聚苯乙烯表面间的相互力进行了测试,在样品接近过程中观察到了空化气泡的形成。

图3 去离子水中不同接近次数下的疏水化石英小球与硅板
Fig.3 Measured force curves for consecutive approaches in deionized water between silicon wafer and silica spheres after hydrophobic treatment[40]


FAGHIHNEJAD和ZENG[41]提出了一种三区段疏水力模型,不同的区域内的疏水力形成机制不同,如图4所示。包括:由微米及亚微米气泡桥接或荷电补丁引起的长程引力区(20 nm到几百纳米),纳米气泡桥接或Hamaker常数强化引起的中等作用区(几纳米到20 nm)及固液界面水分子结构效应造成的短程引力区。亚微米气泡及纳米气泡桥接从本质上讲同属于毛细作用力,同时考虑到荷电补丁假说的应用体系局限性,疏水力的来源机制可以更广义的概括为基于亚微米/纳米气泡桥接引发的长程力和基于固液界面水分子重排引发的短程力。

图4 三区段疏水力模型[41]
Fig.4 Three-region hydrophobic interaction model[41]





2 颗粒气泡间流体动力学排液模型






















使用Matlab ODE15S标准软件包可完成对上述SRYL偏微分方程的数值求解,需要注意的是求解前需要使用毛细数对各变量进行无量纲化处理。

3 结 论

(1)对于颗粒气泡间相互作用力,疏水引力可克服颗粒气泡间范德华力和静电斥力,诱发黏附。不同作用程范围内疏水力的来源机制不同:长程疏水力(>20 nm)主要源于固液界面亚微米/纳米气泡桥接,而短程疏水力(<20 nm)则主要源于固液界面水分子重排效应。由于疏水力强烈的吸引性和气液界面的变形效应,颗粒气泡间疏水力的定量表征仍存在较大的挑战。



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Advance in the interaction force between bubble and particle and thethinning dynamics of thin liquid film

XING Yaowen1,GUI Xiahui1,CAO Yijun1,2,LIU Jiongtian1,2

(1.Chinese National Engineering Research Center of Coal Preparation and Purification,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou 221116,China; 2.Henan Province Industrial Technology Research Institute of Resources and Materials,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450000,China)

Abstract:Interaction force and the thinning rupture dynamics between bubble and particle is the key to reveal the attachment mechanism of coal flotation.It is also a research hotspot in the field of flotation colloid chemistry in recent years.To understand the underlying mechanism of flotation,the recent development in the interaction force between bubble and particle and the hydrodynamic drainage models of the thin liquid film were reviewed systematically.For the interaction force,the hydrophobic force is the fundamental driving force overcoming the repulsive DLVO force between bubble and particle,inducing successful attachment.The origin mechanism of the hydrophobic force is not the same at different regimes.The long-ranged hydrophobic force (>20 nm) is mainly attributed to the bridge of submicron bubbles or nano-bubbles,while the short-ranged hydrophobic force (<20 nm) is mainly attributed to the re-arrangement of the interfacial water molecules.Due to the strong attraction characteristics of the hydrophobic force and the deformation effect of the gas-liquid interface,the quantitative characterization of the hydrophobic force between bubble and particle is experimentally challenging.For the hydrodynamic drainage model,the most representatives are Stef-an-Reynolds model,Taylor model,and the Stokes-Reynolds-Young-Laplace (SRYL) model.Variations in bubble surface curvature during film thinning are not taken into consideration in Stefan-Reynolds and Taylor models,and hence their applications have great limitation.However,the SRYL model describes not only the film thinning dynamics between bubble and particle,but also the air-water interface deformation under surface forces and hydrodynamic force.Under a given initial and boundary condition,the force information can be obtained through iterative method when the theoretical film profile is consistent with experimental results.Also the film drainage profile could be obtained using SRYL model by comparing with experimental force results.In the future investigations,SRYL model should be combined with experimental tests to quantify the hydrophobic force between bubble and particle,revealing the mechanism of flotation attachment.

Key words:flotation;attachment;interaction force;hydrophobic force;drainage dynamics






XING Yaowen,GUI Xiahui,CAO Yijun,et al.Advance in the interaction force between bubble and particle and the thinning dynamics of thin liquid film[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2019,44(10):3185-3192.doi:10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2018.0445




