
李德伟,杨瑞召,孟令斌,王 力

(中国矿业大学(北京) 地球科学与测绘工程学院,北京 100083)

摘 要:近年来,随着微地震技术发展,微地震的应用深度也在不断拓展。如微地震监测从最初简单的震源点定位到震源机制反演、地层主应力状态以及储层渗透率等高级解释参数。在众多解释参数中,微地震事件震级是一种极为重要的震源参数,它是表征在生产作业中诱发震源强度大小的物理量。不同地区诱发事件震级分布特点不尽相同,目前对于震级大小的影响因素尚不十分明确。以山西沁水盆地南部煤层气井水力压裂地面微地震监测为例,综合现有资料对该井压裂事件震级的影响因素进行了分析。首先,通过压裂施工曲线定量统计了施工中油压的平均压力和峰值压力,然后分别与微地震事件震级进行交汇分析;其次,应用Gutenberg-Richter定律研究事件震级在空间和时间频率的分布特征。最后基于三维地震相干体属性解释储层天然裂缝,应用摩尔库伦破裂准则分析天然裂缝对破裂压力的影响。分析表明:① 水力压裂中事件的平均震级或峰值震级都与水力压裂压力具有明显的正相关关系,压力是影响微地震事件震级的大小的直接因素。② 强震级集中区域表现为明显的低b值特点,表明该区域附近岩性相对更偏脆性,应力积累能力大于周围区域。③ 天然裂缝会降低地层的破裂压力,因此在煤层中裂缝发育区域诱发事件震级较低。水力压裂施工中诱发事件是一个复杂的过程,限于资料的限制,尚有一些影响震级的因素未进行分析,如地应力、储层脆性等。下一步工作将搜集尽可能多的资料,对震级影响进行更全面的分析。通过对水力压裂事件震级影响因素进行分析,有助于掌握事件震级的发生规律,从而保障水力压裂施工安全以及顺利进行。


水力压裂过程中高压流体注入到地层,原生应力场变化导致岩石发生快速形变并释放出能量(即微地震事件),破裂后地层应力重新达到新的平衡状态。矩震级(Mw)是描述微地震大小最常用的方法,最早由HANKS和KANAMORI提出[1]。矩震级的大小与岩石破裂的位移量(岩石沿着断层面或裂缝面移动的距离)和断层或裂缝的面积相关[2]。YUSUKE MUKUHIRA等研究表明在水力压裂过程中微地震事件震级的大小与诱发地震发生的时刻和震源的位置均有关联[3]。如北美Barnett页岩区块的微地震事件要明显高于Marcellus区块[4]



1 工区概况

M井组位于沁水盆地南部,井组为L型井型,水平井段垂直深度在920~1 030 m。含气地层为山西组、太原组,其中山西组以灰色、灰黑色泥岩为主,太原组地层以灰黑色泥岩、深灰色灰岩为主与深灰色细砂岩、灰色泥质砂岩呈不等厚互层[8]。该地区主要煤层为3号煤,煤层深度由东南向西北方向逐渐变浅,煤层厚度2.4~7.5 m,水平井段附近无明显大断层发育[9-10]。据煤样测试,本区块3号煤层渗透率在0.025×10-15~0.029×10-15 m2,整体渗透性较差。

M井组井轨迹地面投影如图1所示,其中M-1井和M-2井实施了“泵送桥塞射孔连续压裂”储层改造。并对M-1井8段(2-9段)和M-2井9段(1-9段)压裂进行了地面微地震监测。根据地表状况,共部署5条测线、52套三分量采集设备,工区内检波器埋置于1 m浅孔中。

图1 M井组井轨迹地面投影
Fig.1 Ground projection of well trajectory of M well group

2 M井组事件震级计算













图2 M井组事件定位结果
Fig.2 Event location results of M well group

3 事件震级影响因素分析

3.1 压裂施工曲线与事件震级关系



图3 MP54井组17段压裂曲线
Fig.3 17 fracturing curve of MP54 well group

3.2 微地震事件b值与震级关系


lg N=a-bM



对M-1和M-2两口井17段水力压裂监测共计1 304个事件统计了震级分布和Gutenberg-Richter关系。M井组微地震事件震级分布在-1~0.4级,如图5(a)所示。Gutenberg-Richter曲线如图5(b)所示,应用最小二乘法对震级-0.8~0.4进行线性拟合。研究表明,天然地震b值接近于1,致密砂岩压裂诱发事件b值为2.4左右[21-22]。本工区统计b值为2.67,表明较大震级事件数量较少,这与监测结果一致。

图4 震级与油压力的关系
Fig.4 Relationship of magnitude and oil pressure

图5 Gutenberg-Richter震级关系统计
Fig.5 Statistical histogram of Gutenberg-Richter magnitude relationship


3.3 天然裂缝与震级关系






图6 M井组各段平均震级与b值统计对比
Fig.6 Statistical comparison of average magnitude and b value of each section of M well group


图7 相干体属性与微地震事件叠合(背景为相干体属性,蓝色和红色表示裂缝发育区)
Fig.7 Coherent cube attributes overlap with microseismic events (background is coherence cube attributes,blue and red represent fracture development areas)

4 结 论





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Analysis of factors influencing the magnitude of microseismic events in coal reservoirs

LI Dewei,YANG Ruizhao,MENG Lingbin,WANG Li

(School of Geoscience and Surveying Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing),Beijing 100083,China)

Abstract:In recent years,with the development of microseismic technology,the application depth of microseismic is also expanding,for example,microseismic monitoring from the initial simple source locating to source mechanism inversion,formation main stress state and reservoir permeability and other high-level interpretation parameters.Among many interpretation parameters,the magnitude of microseismic events is a very important source parameter,which is representing the intensity of induced source in production.The magnitude distribution characteristics of induced events in different regions are different.At present,the influencing factors of magnitude are not very clear.Taking the surface microseismic monitoring of hydraulic fracturing of coalbed methane wells in the south of Qinshui Basin as an example,the influencing factors of the magnitude of fracturing events in this well were analyzed based on the existing data.First of all,the average pressure and peak pressure of oil pressure during the hydraulic fracturing were calculated quantitatively through the fracturing hydraulic fracturing curve,and then the intersection analysis was carried out with the magnitude of microseismic events respectively.Secondly,Gutenberg-Richter law was applied to study the distribution characteristics of events magnitude in space and time frequency.Finally,based on the attributes of three-dimensional seismic coherence body,the natural fracture of reservoir was interpreted,and the influence of natural fracture on fracture pressure was analyzed by using Mohr Coulomb fracture criterion.The results show that ① the average magnitude or peak magnitude of the events in hydraulic fracturing has a significant positive correlation with the hydraulic fracturing pressure,and the pressure is the direct factor affecting the magnitude of the microseismic events.② The area with strong magnitude con-centration is characterized by obvious low b value,which indicates that the lithology near the area is relatively more brittle,and the stress accumulation capacity is greater than the surrounding area.③ The natural fractures will reduce the fracture open pressure of the formation,so the induced events magnitude in the fracture development area of the coal seam is relatively low.The induced events in hydraulic fracturing is a complex process,limited by the data,there are still some factors affecting the magnitude that have not been analyzed,such as in-situ stress,reservoir brittleness and so on.The next step is to collect as much data as possible to make a more comprehensive analysis of the magnitude impact.Through the analysis of the factors influencing the magnitude of the hydraulic fracturing events,it is helpful to understand the occurrence law of the magnitude of the events,so as to ensure the safety and smooth progress of the hydraulic fracturing.

Key words:microseismic;event magnitude;hydraulic fracturing;fracturing curve;Gutenberg-Richter law






LI Dewei,YANG Ruizhao,MENG Lingbin,et al.Analysis of factors influencing the magnitude of microseismic events in coal reservoirs[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2020,45(11):3895-3902.






