
Experimental study of hydro-chemical corrosion influence on damage mechanical properties of slate

  • 摘要: 海底隧道、地铁等岩体工程的围岩不可避免地遭受水化学腐蚀的影响,这种水-岩作用是影响岩体稳定性的重要因素之一。从宏细观和化学损伤的角度出发,针对大连地铁板岩开展不同水化学溶液(HCl,NaOH,NaCl)的腐蚀试验,测量获得其浸泡过程中的pH值、有效孔隙率、纵波波速的变化规律,以一系列化学反应式初步探讨板岩的水化学腐蚀机制。对比分析了不同溶液下板岩的变形、强度特性和试件破裂形态。基于水化学损伤与纵波波速的经验公式引入水化学损伤变量,进行自编制多场耦合有限元程序的岩石弹塑性应力-化学-损伤(MCD)计算模拟验证。结果表明:①板岩受水-岩作用影响,其峰值强度σc、弹性模量E均有不同程度劣化;②随浸泡时间增加破裂形态逐渐由脆性转向延性;③岩石参数的损伤程度与有效孔隙率和纵波波速之间有明显的非线性、非单调的关系。


    Abstract: The mass of subsea tunnel and underground engineering suffer from hydrochemical corrosion inevitably. Water-rock interaction is one of the important factors which influence the stability of rock mass. Corrosion tests with different water chemical solutions (HCl,NaOH,NaCl) were carried out in this paper based on the slate of Dalian Metro from the perspective of micro-macro and chemical damage. The pH value,effective porosity and longitudinal wave velocity were measured in the process of soaking. The preliminary discussions were carried on with a series of chemical formula to analyze the slate’s hydrochemistry corrosion mechanism. The deformation characteristics,strength characteristics and fracture morphology of slate under different solutions were comparatively analyzed. Based on the previous experimental formula by experiment between longitudinal wave velocity and hydrochemistry damage,a hydrochemistry damage degree was introduced to carry out a calculation program verification by the independent program of rock elastic-plastic stress-chemical-damage (MCD) more field coupling finite element program. The test results show that:① The slate’s mechanics index include peak intensity (σc) and elastic modulus (E),all have different degree of damage influenced by water-rock effect;② The fracture morphology changes from brittle to ductile gradually with the soak time;③ The damage degree and the effective porosity of rock parameters have non-linear relationship between longitudinal wave velocity.


