
Analysis of the influence of interlayer rock on ascending mining under special conditions

  • 摘要: 以龟兹矿业西井A6-103上行工作面具有的特殊采掘地质条件(即采动影响系数小和层间岩层坚硬)为工程背景,通过理论分析与数值模拟相结合的方法,建立了下部采空区边界处"悬空结构"的力学模型,并推导出该结构二次失稳的形式及其判据,认为"悬空结构"保证了上部煤层的连续性,在一定程度上有利于上行工作面的回采,但是该结构在上行工作面超前支承压力影响下的二次失稳将会给上行工作面的安全回采带来较大的安全隐患。此外,通过相似模拟的方法,分析研究了上行开采过程中采场围岩的破断形态,验证了下部采空区边界"悬空结构"的存在及其对上行工作面回采过程的利弊影响。


    Abstract: Based on upward mining under the conditions of closed and hard roof seam,using integrated approach inclu- ding theoretical calculation and numerical simulation,the mechanical model of suspended structure at the edge of lower goaf was established,and the form and the criterion of secondary instability about the suspended structure were de- rived. The suspended structure,which ensured the continuity of upper coal seam,was conducive to mining the uplink working face,but it’s secondary instability would bring greater safety risk to the mining of the uplink working face. In addition,through analog simulation method,the fracture morphology of stope wall rock during the uplink working face mining was analyzed,and the positive and negative influence of the suspended structure to the process of the uplink working face mining was proved. The research results provide a theoretical basis for the implementation of the safety technology during the uplink working face mining,ultimately,the safe mining of uplink working face was guaranteed.


