Responses of coal anaerobic fermentation fractures development
摘要: 基于二维承载条件的煤岩变形过程中的裂隙空间空气渗流试验、梯度含氧水平的煤体微生物厌氧发酵影响试验、与不同煤体粒径的微生物发酵试验,测试了煤体比表面积、裂隙含氧量对煤体厌氧发酵的影响关系,推演了不同深度煤体裂隙发育对厌氧微生物的生物活性影响规律与关键控制因素。结果表明:空气渗流大于1%的煤体中,空气渗流导致的厌氧环境的破坏作用,是抑制煤体厌氧发酵的主控制因素,而且煤体裂隙发育越迅速,空气渗流作用越强,煤体厌氧发酵抑制受控范围越大;空气渗流小于1%的煤体中,在兼氧菌对少量渗流空气缓冲作用影响下,裂隙发育对煤体比表面积的扩大作用是促进煤体厌氧发酵的主控因素,裂隙发育越充分,煤体比表面积越大,煤体的厌氧发酵速率提升越高。Abstract: This research considered the contributing factors for coal bio-fermentation. The factors,which were evolved with fractures development,include the specific surface area of coal,and air permeation in coal cleats. The research analyzed the stimulating factor for anaerobic fermentation with fracture changes in different zones in coal seam. The ex- periment performed with coal fracture development and air permeation test which was done based on the gas flow ac- quisition system with two-dimensional loading set,coal anaerobic fermentation inhibition under air permeation test,and coal bio-fermentation response to the mesh size changes of coal. The data confirmed that the air permeation,which would be performed in the shallow zone of coal with the fractures development of coal and when the air concentration higher than 1% ,would be the key factor to inhibit the anaerobic fermentation of coal. Air transfused violently with fracture formed speed. Meanwhile,in the depth of coal where air concentration was lower than 1% ,the fermentation would enhance with specific surface area development. Facultative bacteria activity counteracts the repression of anae- robic fermentation inhibitory effect of oxygen in this zone.