
Mechanisms and control methods of depletion-induced shear failure of coalbed seams

  • 摘要: 煤层压力衰减会导致煤岩体剪切破坏,诱发井壁失稳、套管损坏和出煤粉等井下复杂事故。为预防煤层破坏,以沁水盆地南部二叠系山西组3号煤层为研究对象,基于单轴应变模型分析了排采降压过程中的煤层应力路径及其破坏行为,明确了煤层破坏影响因素,并提出了控制井底流压和CO2-ECBM相结合的防控技术对策。结果表明:煤层水平有效应力在排水阶段随孔隙压力的降低而线性增大,但在解吸阶段却随孔隙压力的降低而非线性减小,气体解吸能够加速煤层剪切破坏;煤层初始水平应力越小,垂向应力、初始孔隙压力、临界解吸压力越大,气体吸附效应越强,煤岩体弹性模量、泊松比越大,单轴抗压强度越低,则煤层临界破坏孔隙压力就越大;煤层破坏前转注CO2既能有效避免煤层破坏,也可提高煤层气采收率,不失为CO2-ECBM的良好作业时机。


    Abstract: Pressure depletion can induce the shear failure of coalbed seams,consequently resulting in downhole acci- dents such as borehole instability,casing failure and fines production. In order to prevent the shear failure,the stress path and failure behavior of coalbed seams were analyzed based on the uniaxial strain model with No. 3 coal of Shanxi Formation in the Qinshui Basin,and then the influence factors of shear failure were determined. Finally,a method through controlling the bottom hole flow pressure (BHFP) and CO2 -ECBM was proposed to prevent the shear failure. The results show that the effective horizontal stress of coalbed seam linearly increases with the decrease of pore pres- sure at the dewatering phase,whereas it nonlinearly reduces at the desorption stage,indicating that the gas desorption can accelerate the shear failure of coalbed seams;the critical pore pressure when coal failure happens is positively as- sociated with the vertical stress,initial pore pressure,critical desorption pressure,sorption-induced swelling,elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio,whereas it increases with the decrease of initial horizontal stress and uniaxial compressive strength;CO2 injection before coal failure,as a well operation time of CO2 -ECBM,can not only prevent the shear fail- ure,but also enhance the CBM recovery.


