
Synergistic technology between surfactant and magnetized water for efficient dust control in underground coal mines

  • 摘要: 为更有效地防治井下易于飘散的小粒径粉尘,基于表面活性剂与磁化协同降尘理论,通过溶液表面张力、接触角性能测试实验,研究了磁化对溶液湿润降尘性能的影响,研发了一种能与磁化发生良好增效作用的活性添加剂,研究得出磁化与活性剂耦合作用能提高溶液湿润粉尘性能的最佳磁化参数,即磁场强度350 m T、水流速度4 m/s,并以此结合脉动切割磁化与螺旋扰流的高效磁化原理,发明了一套井下降尘用活性磁化水的高效磁化装置及系统,经现场应用表明:0.03%复配活性剂溶液经高效磁化装置在最佳磁化参数的脉动切割磁化作用下,其降尘能力提高9%以上;相对于现有水喷雾降尘技术,该新型降尘技术对井下全尘及呼尘的除去效率分别提高了31.79%,44.94%,改善了井下工作环境。


    Abstract: In order to effectively control the floating coal dust in the underground mine,based on the synergistic theory between surfactants and magnetization,some experiments were carried out to measure the characteristics of solution un- der the various experimental conditions,such as surface tension,contact angle and dust suppression properties of solu- tion,which validated that the magnetization can have the effective effect on the dust wettability of solution. And a com- pound surfactant was acquired,inducing excellent synergetic effects with magnetization. Additionally,the optimal mag- netization parameters were confirmed by the above mentioned experiments,e. g. a magnetic intensity of 350 mT and water flow velocity of 4 m / s;while combining the efficiently magnetic methods of the interlaced arrangement of inside and outside magnets and a spiral propulsion magnetization of water flow,the magnetic device and system were pro- posed. Field application indicated that the 0. 03% surfactant solution was effectively magnetized under the effect of al- ternating magnetization by the novel magnetic apparatus with the optimal magnetization parameters,of which dust con- trol ability was improved by more than 9% ;compared to that of water,the respirable dust and total dust suppression efficiency of surfactant-magnetized water is increased by 44. 94% and 31. 79% ,respectively,significantly improving the work environment in the underground coal mine.


