秦传睿, 陆伟, 李金亮. 降温型聚氨酯/纳米粉煤灰注浆材料的降温机理分析[J]. 煤炭学报, 2019, 44(S1): 178-186. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2018.1508
引用本文: 秦传睿, 陆伟, 李金亮. 降温型聚氨酯/纳米粉煤灰注浆材料的降温机理分析[J]. 煤炭学报, 2019, 44(S1): 178-186. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2018.1508
QIN Chuanrui, LU Wei, LI Jinliang. Cooling mechanism of cooling polyurethane/nano fly ash grouting material[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2019, 44(S1): 178-186. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2018.1508
Citation: QIN Chuanrui, LU Wei, LI Jinliang. Cooling mechanism of cooling polyurethane/nano fly ash grouting material[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2019, 44(S1): 178-186. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2018.1508


Cooling mechanism of cooling polyurethane/nano fly ash grouting material

  • 摘要: 针对普通聚氨酯注浆材料固化反应温度高,矿井注浆过程中存在冒烟、遗煤自燃等隐患,在以纳米级粉煤灰为骨料添加的基础上,分别选取NH4Al(SO4)2·12H2O, NH4Cl 2种水合盐,与聚醚多元醇GR4110B等助剂配成A组分,以Ba(OH)2·8H2O与聚醚多元醇TMN450配成B组分,以异氰酸酯为C组分,通过原位聚合法制备出1种新型降温型聚氨酯/纳米粉煤灰注浆材料。在取得显著降温效果的同时,研究了结晶水合盐、纳米粉煤灰与聚氨酯之间的最优复配比例。在此基础上,结合部分表征手段进一步探究其微观结构组成及其降温机理。结果表明,2种无机物能有效填入聚氨酯基体中形成有机/无机复配材料,当纳米粉煤灰掺量为40%、无机水合盐掺量为10%时,其最优抗压强度为44 MPa,固化最高温度降低至82 ℃; 此外,通过SEM及红外光谱分析表明,无机水合盐的掺入促使体系中的及反应后产生的氨分子与之发生取代反应后形成NH2,并相继与异氰酸根反应生成取代脲,由此观察到材料断面含有许多固体微珠及小孔,其间存在缝隙,缝隙中溶有可溶性盐。热重及机理分析进一步验证了复合材料反应体系中纳米粉煤灰通过热传导吸热而达到第一步降温过程; Ba(OH)2·8H2O结晶水受热汽化配合与NH4Cl的化学反应是限制体系温度上升的主要阶段; NH4Al(SO4)2·12H2O脱水汽化吸热及相变、缝隙中溶有BaCl2等可溶性盐的往复吸脱水汽化吸热是降低反应体系温度的最后阶段。


    Abstract: For the common polyurethane grouting material, the curing reaction temperature is high, there are hidden dangers such as smoke and coal spontaneous combustion the grouting process the mine.On the basis of the addition of nano-scale fly ash as the aggregate, NH4Al (SO4) 2·12H2O selected respectively combined with polyether polyol GR4110B and other additives to form A component Ba (OH) 2·8H2O and polyether polyol TMN450 to form B component, isocyanate as C component A novel cooling polyurethane-nano fly ash grouting material was prepared by the original polymerization method.At the same time of achieving significant cooling effect, the optimal compounding ratio between crystalline hydrated salt, nano-powder ash and polyurethane was studied.On this basis, combined with partial characterization methods its microstructural composition and its cooling mechanism.The results show that the two inorganic materials can be effectively filled into the polyurethane matrix to form an organic/inorganic compound.When the nano fly ash content is 40% and the inorganic hydrated salt content is 10%, the optimal compressive strength is 44 MPa, the maximum curing temperature was reduced to 82℃ n addition, by SEM and infrared spectroscopy analysis, the incorporation of inorganic hydrated salt promoted the in the system and the ammonia molecule produced after the reaction form NH2, and successively formed the isocyanate reacted to form a substituted urea t was observed that the cross section of the material contained many solid microbeads and small pores gaps between, and soluble salts were dissolved in the slits.Thermogravimetry and mechanism analysis further verified that the nano fly ash in the composite reaction system reached the first cooling process by heat conduction endothermic he chemical reaction of Ba (OH) 2·8H2O crystallization water with thermal vaporization and NH4Cl is the main stage to limit the temperature the system NH4Al (SO4) 2·12H2O dehydration vaporization endotherm and phase change, reciprocating absorption dehydration vaporization endotherm with soluble salts such as BaCl2 in the gap is the final stage to lower the temperature of the reaction system.


