黄文辉, 久博, 李媛. 煤中稀土元素分布特征及其开发利用前景[J]. 煤炭学报, 2019, (1). DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2018.1708
引用本文: 黄文辉, 久博, 李媛. 煤中稀土元素分布特征及其开发利用前景[J]. 煤炭学报, 2019, (1). DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2018.1708
HUANG Wenhui, JIU Bo, LI Yuan. Distribution characteristics of rare earth elements in coal and its prospects on development and exploitation[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2019, (1). DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2018.1708
Citation: HUANG Wenhui, JIU Bo, LI Yuan. Distribution characteristics of rare earth elements in coal and its prospects on development and exploitation[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2019, (1). DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2018.1708


Distribution characteristics of rare earth elements in coal and its prospects on development and exploitation

  • 摘要: 我国是稀土资源大国和生产大国,供应着世界上90%以上的稀土消费市场,传统稀土资源虽然丰富,但是储量也在日益减少,寻找更多的稀土矿产资源将具有重要的战略意义。国内外煤地质学家以稀土富集煤层为主线,对煤层、夹矸和顶底板进行系统采样,通过煤工业分析、电感耦合等离子质谱(ICP-MS)分析、仪器中子活化分析法(INAA)、X射线衍射(XRD)分析、扫描电镜—能谱(SEM-EDX)、反光显微镜等测试方法和手段,开展煤中稀土元素含量和聚集规律研究。本文对世界各地煤中稀土元素含量、分布特征、赋存状态、影响因素及相关问题进行调研。结果表明,煤中稀土研究主要环绕已发现的稀土异常富集煤层资源利用和工业开发、煤灰中再次富集稀土元素的能力、煤层夹矸及顶底板与煤层中稀土元素的富集能力对比,以及煤型稀土矿床成因机制等几类问题。煤中稀土既不会以纯稀土金属元素存在,也不会以单元素独立存在。因为稀土资源短缺,国际上许多国家正在加强研究,试图寻找到新的获取稀土的新途径。美国在2012年启动了一项从煤及其燃烧产物中提取稀土的重大研究项目,并且已经取得了一些重要进展,值得我们密切关注。我国煤资源丰富,煤种多样,一些地区煤层中含有丰富的稀土元素和其他伴生有益元素,需要我们加强理论研究,并进一步对其勘探和开发利用进行评价。如果取得突破,将极大提升我国稀土资源量水平,增加煤炭利用价值,强化我国稀土大国地位。由此可见,煤及其燃烧产物中稀土元素的研究具有重大战略意义和经济潜在意义,对我国煤地质学和煤中元素地球化学学科也将起到促进作用。目前寻找到更多富稀土元素的煤层并确定其资源规模是首要任务,开展从煤中提取稀土元素技术是今后开发利用的关键。


    Abstract: China is a large country and a major producer of rare earth resources,supplying more than 90% of the world’s rare earth consumption market. Although the traditional rare earth resources are abundant,the reserves are de- creasing as well. Thus the exploration of more rare earth mineral resources will be of strategic importance. At present, due to the shortage of rare earth resources,many countries in the world are strengthening research and trying to find new ways to acquire rare earth. The United States in 2012 launched a major research project to extract rare earth from coal and its combustion products,and has made some important progresses,which deserves our close attention. China has abundant coal resources and diverse coal types. In some areas,coal seams are rich in rare earth elements and other associated beneficial elements. The theoretical research and further evaluation are needed for its exploration and devel- opment. If a breakthrough is made,it will greatly improve the level of rare earth resources in China and increase the value of coal utilization,which strengthens the status of China’s rare earth powers. It can be seen that the research of rare earth elements in coal and its combustion products has great strategic significance and economic potential,and will also promote the coal geology and elemental geochemistry in coal. At present,the research horizon is concentrating on the rare earth enriched coal seam,systematically sampling the coal seam,the partings and roof and floor. Through coal industry analysis, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry ( ICP-MS) analysis, instrument neutron activation analysis ( INAA ), X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) analysis, scanning electron microscopy-energy spectroscopy ( SEM- EDX),reflective microscope and other test methods,the content and aggregation of rare earth elements in coal were in- vestigated. The research on rare earth elements in coals in China mainly focuses on the problems of rare earth enriched coal seam resource utilization and industrial development,the ability to re-enrich rare earth elements in coal ash,the comparison of the enrichment ability of rare earth elements in coal seams,roof and floor and dirt band,and the genetic mechanism of coal-type rare earth deposits.


