
Experimental study on rock micro damage evolution caused by heological disturbance effect

  • 摘要: 为研究岩石在流变扰动作用下的微观结构损伤变化规律,进行了岩石流变扰动效应实验,通过核磁共振(NMR)对“扰动敏感领域”内、外红砂岩进行测试分析,得出红砂岩的孔隙度、横向弛豫T2谱分布、核磁共振成像图。结果表明:岩样在扰动非敏感区时,孔隙率与T2谱峰曲线在扰动前5次变化较快随扰动次数增加逐渐趋于平稳状态,谱峰曲线没有发生向右偏移现象,反映岩样在冲击扰动前5次时累积变形增大较快之后变形趋于衰减直至变形趋于恒定状态,岩样内部没有产生新的孔隙孔径,且扰动不会引起永久变形;岩样在扰动敏感区时,T2谱峰曲线整体出现向右偏移且高度明显增大,反映岩样累积变形处于加速状态,内部大、小尺寸孔隙孔径都有明显增多现象同时孔隙孔径不断扩张、贯通演变为较大尺寸孔隙,随扰动次数增大损伤程度也加大,扰动敏感区扰动起主导作用;在非扰动敏感区大孔隙谱峰面积随扰动次数增加基本未发生变化,谱峰总面积在扰动5次前逐渐减小之后基本不变,在扰动敏感区谱峰总面积突增,且出现第三谱峰曲线,反映岩样在非扰动敏感区部分孔隙孔径出现了压密状态,扰动敏感区大尺寸孔隙持续贯通增大;核磁共振成像图更直观的显示扰动敏感区与非敏感区在扰动次数增加下的孔隙结构特征。


    Abstract: In order to study the change rule of micro-structure damage of rock under rheological disturbance,a creep disturbance effect experiment of rock was carried out. The porosity,transverse relaxation T2 spectrum distribution and NMR image of red sandstone were obtained by testing and analyzing the inner and outer red sandstone in the "disturbance sensitive field" by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The results show that ①when the rock sample is disturbed in the insensitive zone,the porosity change rate decreases and the height of T2 spectral peak curve decreases with the increase of disturbance times,and the porosity change rate of the first five times is larger; the spectral peak curve does not shift to the right. It reflects that the cumulative deformation of rock samples increases rapidly after the first five times of impact disturbance,and then the deformation tends to decay,and the pore size is restrained.②When the rock sample is in the disturbance sensitive zone,the T2 spectral peak curve shifts to the right as a whole and the height increases significantly,reflecting that the cumulative deformation of the rock sample is in an accelerated state. At the same time,the pore size expands continuously and the penetration evolves into larger pore size. With the increase of the number of disturbances,the damage degree increases,and the disturbance in the disturbance sensitive zone plays a leading role. ③In the non-disturbance sensitive region,the peak area of macro-pore spectra does not change with the increase of disturbance times,and the total area of the peak is almost unchanged after decreasing gradually five times before disturbance. The total area of spectral peaks in the disturbance sensitive area increases sharply,and the third spectral peak curve appears,which reflects that the pore diameter of rock samples in the nondisturbance sensitive area is compacted,and the large-scale pore penetration in the disturbance sensitive area increases continuously. ④Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMR) can display more intuitively the pore structure characteristics of disturbance sensitive and non-sensitive areas with the increase of disturbance times.


