
Force calculation model of TBM disc cutter based on rock breaking mode

  • 摘要: 滚刀破岩力是研究TBM开挖硬岩隧道效率和安全性的核心参数,提高破岩力计算模型精度的重点在于如何使计算模型与破岩模式相匹配。通过对滚刀破岩过程中不同破岩模式下的裂纹交汇情况及岩片产生的主导因素进行分析,认为协同破岩时岩石主要发生压拉破坏,非协同破岩时主要发生压剪破坏,基于此提出了一种新的刀具荷载计算方法;建立单滚刀及双滚刀线性破岩三维离散元模型,统计不同贯入度下的侧向裂纹扩展长度,以此为基础计算各刀间距和贯入度组合下的理论破岩模式,并通过分析各工况下岩石内部裂纹交汇及其水平应力分布情况,验证了破岩模式划分理论的正确性;以岩石内部裂纹分布特征为基础,提出了协同和非协同破岩模式下破碎岩片体积的计算方法,利用指数函数对岩渣破碎厚度比和刀间距之间的关系进行拟合,定义了协同系数β,并结合新破岩力公式推导出了比能耗表达式。研究发现:由新破岩力模型计算得到的垂直力和滚动力相较于实测值的误差分别为7.3%和11.0%,其相比于CSM和线性计算模型的误差较小;岩石破碎区域取决于破岩模式,协同模式下的破碎区域主要为滚刀之间,非协同模式下为刀刃下方及其两侧;随刀间距增大,岩石内高应力区逐渐分离并出现上移现象且面积下降,最优贯入度增大而最小比能耗值减小,当贯入度增大时,比能耗值先减小后增大,同时比能耗曲线变化趋势和相关破岩试验结果具有一致性。


    Abstract: The rock breaking force of the disc cutter is the core parameter for studying the efficiency and safety of TBM excavation in hard rock tunnels, the key to improve the accuracy of the calculation model is how to match the calculation model with the rock breaking mode. Through the analysis of the intersection of cracks under different rock breaking modes and the leading factors of rock slices in the process of rock breaking by disc cutter, and considers that the rock is mainly damaged by compression and tension when the rock is broken by synergetic method, and the rock is mainly damaged by compression and shear when the rock is broken by non synergetic method, based on this, a new calculation method of tool load is proposed. The three-dimensional discrete element model of linear rock breaking with single and double hobs is established, and the lateral crack growth length under different penetration is counted. Based on this, the theoretical rock breaking mode under the combination of cutter spacing and penetration is calculated. The correctness of the theory of rock breaking mode division is verified by analyzing the intersection of cracks in the rock under various working conditions and the distribution of horizontal stress. Based on the distribution characteristics of internal cracks in rock, a calculation method for the volume of broken rock slices under synergetic and non synergetic rock breaking modes is proposed, the exponential function is used to fit the relationship between the thickness ratio of rock slag crushing and the cutter spacing, and the synergetic coefficient is defined β, and the expression of specific energy consumption is derived in combination with the new formula of rock breaking force. The results show that the errors of vertical force and rolling force calculated by the new rock breaking force model compared with the measured values are 7.3% and 11.0% respectively, which are smaller than those of CSM and linear calculation model. The rock breaking area depends on the rock breaking mode, the breaking area is mainly between the cutters in the cooperative mode, and in the non cooperative mode, it is below and on both sides of the cutter; As the cutter spacing increases, the high stress area in the rock gradually separates and moves upward, and the area decreases, and the optimal penetration increases, and the minimum specific energy consumption decreases. When the penetration degree increases, the specific energy consumption first decreases and then increases. Meanwhile, the change trend of the specific energy consumption curve is consistent with the relevant rock breaking test results.


