
Mechanical model of deformation-seepage-erosion for Karst collapse column water inrush and its application

  • 摘要: 随着我国煤矿开采向深部延伸,断层突水成为威胁煤矿安全生产的重大灾害之一。基于采动诱发断层突水相关研究成果,笔者提出了采动岩体损伤破裂−破碎岩体(断层)冲蚀协同致灾的突水概念模型,推导了2种介质的渗透性演化方程,系统性构建了工作面采动破坏与断层内部颗粒冲蚀协同致灾力学模型;数值模拟研究了采动岩体变形破坏、断层内颗粒运移以及渗流通道演化特征,系统性阐释了采动诱发断层突水的渗流灾变时空演化机制。研究结果表明:① 随着工作面不断推进,底板采动岩体损伤场与断层冲蚀裂隙相连通,形成了含水层—断层—采动裂隙—工作面的渗流路径,并随着冲蚀时间增加,最终发展成为数条优势导水通道,造成工作面涌水量的急剧增大并发生滞后突水。② 随着渗流时间增加,断层内部涌水量、裂隙开度均表现为缓变—突增—稳定3个阶段,冲蚀颗粒体积分数则呈现先增大后减小的变化趋势。③ 在研究矿区地质条件下,为预防发生断层突水,可采取超前注浆或留设防水煤柱等方法,超前注浆时间应在底板裂隙带连通断层之前,若不采取注浆措施则合理防水煤柱的留设宽度不应低于20 m。


    Abstract: With the extension of coal mining in China, fault water inrush has become one of major disasters threatening the safety of coal mine production. Based on the research results related to the mining-induced fault water inrush, this paper proposes a conceptual model of water inrush caused by the erosion synergy of mining-induced rock mass damage rupture and fractured rock mass (fault), derives the permeability evolution equation of the two media, and systematically constructs the cooperative disaster causing mechanism model between mining failure and particle erosion inside faults. The numerical simulation is conducted to study the deformation and failure of rock mass, the particle transport in faults and the evolution characteristics of seepage channel, and systematically explain the temporal and spatial evolution mechanism of seepage catastrophe caused by mining-induced fault inrush. The results show that: ① With the continuous advancement of working face, the damage field of mine floor rock mass is connected with the fault erosion fracture, forming a seepage path of aquifer-fault-mining fracture-working face, and with the increase of erosion time, it finally develops into several dominant water diversion channels, resulting in a sharp increase in water inflow at the working face and a lagging water inrush. ② With the increase of seepage time, the water inflow and fracture opening degree inside faults all show three stages: slow change, sudden increase and stable, and the erosion particle concentration shows a trend of first increasing and then decreasing. ③ Under the geological conditions of the mining area studied in this paper, in order to prevent the occurrence of fault water inrush, the methods such as advanced grouting or leaving water prevention coal pillars can be adopted, and the advance grouting time should be before the bottom plate fracture zone connects faults, if grouting is not applied, the width of the reasonable water prevention coal pillar should not be less than 20 m.


