
Multi-scale study on the mechanism of shale degradation induced by dry and wet cycles

  • 摘要: 露头页岩岸坡在库水位变幅作用下易发生崩落、塌岸等地质灾害,对库区安全构成威胁,因此研究页岩在干湿循环作用下的劣化机理尤为必要。为了丰富对干湿循环诱导页岩劣化机制的理解,以四川长宁地区志留统五峰组—龙马溪组出露页岩为研究对象,开展了室内气体渗透试验和单轴抗压试验,结合SEM、EDS、XRD等微观分析技术,从多尺度揭示了干湿循环诱导页岩渗流劣化机理。结果表明:① 干湿循环次数和渗透压差增大对页岩渗透有促进作用,反之,围压起抑制作用。② 干湿循环对页岩抗压力学性质起弱化作用,干湿循环次数与弹性模量和峰值强度近似呈指数衰减相关。③ 干湿循环对页岩微观结构影响主要体现在块体细化、块体水化、孔洞微小化、尖锐棱角平滑化等方面;亲水矿物占比对干湿循环作用响应大于非亲水矿物和有机质,且平整表面的粗糙度随处理过程增大。④ 干湿循环作用诱发页岩渗流劣化机理可由干湿循环作用对页岩内部节理面贯通、渗流通道改变、微缺陷发育及矿物水化等微观过程共同作用揭示。结合试验结果多尺度阐述了页岩劣化机制,分析了页岩块体和节理对干湿循环作用的不同响应,关联了页岩宏细观尺度下劣化现象,认为薄弱节理面的产生是造成页岩性能劣化的决定性因素。


    Abstract: The outcrop shale bank slope is prone to geological disasters such as caving and bank collapse under the influence of the variation of reservoir water level, which poses a threat to the safety of reservoir area. To enrich the understanding of the mechanism of shale degradation induced by dry and wet cycles, the outcropping shales of Silurian Wufeng Formation-Longmaxi Formation in Changning area of Sichuan Province were studied. Laboratory gas penetration tests and uniaxial compression tests were carried out. Microscopic analysis techniques such as SEM, EDS and XRD were used to reveal the mechanism of shale seepage degradation induced by dry and wet cycles from a multi-scale perspective. The results show that: ① the increase of dry-wet cycles and osmotic pressure difference can promote the permeability of shale, whereas confining pressure can inhibit it. ② The dry-wet cycle has a weakening effect on the compressive properties of shale, and the number of dry-wet cycles is approximately exponentially correlated with the elastic modulus and peak strength. ③ The influence of wet and dry cycles on the microstructure of shale is mainly reflected in the aspects of block thinning, block hydration, pore minimization, sharp edge smoothing, etc. The proportion of hydrophilic minerals is greater than that of non-hydrophilic minerals and organic matter, and the roughness of flat surface increases with the treatment process. ④ The mechanism of shale seepage degradation induced by dry and wet cycling can be revealed by the combined effects of dry and wet cycling on the joint surface of shale, the change of seepage channel, the development of micro-defects and mineral hydration. The degradation mechanism of shale in multiple scales is expounded combined with the test results, the different responses of shale blocks and joints to the dry-wet cycle are analyzed, correlating the degradation phenomena at macro and micro scales. It is considered that the formation of weak joint surface is the decisive factor causing the degradation of shale properties.


