
Prediction model for the initial period, active period, and decline period of surface movement in coal mining

  • 摘要: 煤层开采地表移动初始期、活跃期和衰退期延续时间是评价地表稳定状态的关键指标,针对目前地表移动初始期、活跃期和衰退期延续时间理论预测模型匮乏问题,在改进Knothe时间模型基础上,根据地表移动初始期、活跃期和衰退期的划分依据,建立仅含一个模型参数,且能够综合考虑平均采深、工作面开采速度、煤层采高、松散层厚度、基岩层厚度等参数影响的地表移动初始期、活跃期和衰退期延续时间理论预测模型。采用15个矿区工作面开采地表移动延续时间监测数据对理论预测模型的合理性和精确性进行验证。结果表明:地表移动初始期、活跃期和衰退期延续时间模型预测结果与15个矿区监测结果基本吻合,最小误差分别仅为0、1、0 d,平均误差分别仅为13.7、12.7、18.5 d,验证了预测模型的合理性和精确性。地表移动初始期、活跃期、衰退期和整个地表移动延续时间均随煤层开采速度的增加而非线性减小,随平均采深、松散层厚度、基岩层厚度的增加而线性增加;地表移动初始期和衰退期延续时间随采高的增加而非线性减小,活跃期和整个地表移动延续时间随采高的增加而非线性增加。煤层开采速度、平均采深、采高、松散层厚度、基岩层厚度主要影响地表移动活跃期和整个地表移动延续时间,对初始期和衰退期延续时间影响较小。研究可为煤层开采地表初始期、活跃期和衰退期延续时间预测提供一定的借鉴和参考。


    Abstract: The duration of the initial, active, and declining periods of surface movement during coal mining is a key indicator for evaluating the stability of the surface, in response to the lack of theoretical prediction models for the duration of initial, active, and declining periods of surface movement in coal mining, based on the improved Knothe time model and the division of initial, active, and declining periods of surface movement, a theoretical prediction model for the duration of the initial period, active period, and declining period of surface movement is established, which only includes one model parameter and can comprehensively consider the influence of average mining depth, mining speed, coal mining height, loose layer thickness, bedrock layer thickness parameters. The rationality and accuracy of the theoretical prediction model were verified using monitoring data on the duration of surface movement in 15 mining faces. The results show that the prediction results of the initial period, active period, and declining period duration model of surface movement are basically consistent with the monitoring results of 15 mining areas, the minimum error is only 0 d, 1 d, and 0 d, and the average error is only 13.7 d, 12.7 d, and 18.5 d, respectively, verifying the rationality and accuracy of the prediction model. The initial period, active period, decline period, and entire surface movement duration all decrease nonlinearly with the increase of coal mining speed, and linearly increase with the increase of average mining depth, loose layer thickness and bedrock layer thickness However, the initial period and decline period of surface movement decrease nonlinearly with the increase of mining height, the active period and entire surface movement duration increase nonlinearly with the increase of mining height. The mining speed, average mining depth, mining height, loose layer thickness and bedrock layer thickness mainly affect the active period of surface movement and the entire surface movement duration, with little impact on the duration of the initial and declining periods. The research can provide certain reference for predicting the duration of surface movement in coal mining.


