
Intelligent joint cutting strategy and method for roadheader combining LSTM deep learning and fuzzy inference control

  • 摘要: 煤矿巷道掘进作业是井下最危险、工作环境最为恶劣的前端生产环节。与智能综采工作面相比,巷道掘进智能化进展缓慢,“采掘失衡”严重制约了煤炭企业实现高效、智能开采。悬臂式掘进机是我国井下掘进工作面应用最为广泛的机电设备,能否快速精准截割煤岩直接影响巷道的掘进效率和掘进质量。为此,提出一种结合LSTM深度学习和模糊推理控制的巷道掘进机智能联合截割策略与方法,以提高掘进机的掘进效率和智能化水平。首先,通过综合分析掘进机联合截割工况,提出联合截割载荷分级标准,并依此提出一种掘进机联合控制策略。其次,根据此策略提出联合截割控制方法,通过设计LSTM深度学习神经网络控制器实现对截割煤岩载荷等级的精确识别;同时设计模糊推理控制器实现掘进机截割头和截割臂的联合智能调速。最后,基于Simulink软件建立了仿真控制系统,仿真实验结果表明:该方法能够实现对常规工况和复杂工况下掘进机截割头转速和截割臂摆速的联合智能调节,控制过程响应时间在0.6 s内,且基本无超调量,控制准确度高,效果好。此外,与单一控制的先进方法对比表明,提出的联合截割控制方法在缩短了响应时间的同时保证了控制方法的稳定性。通过搭建的掘进机远程测控平台设计实验验证了本方法的准确性和有效性,为掘进机器人快速智能掘进的实现提供了技术参考,为之后进一步的优化和工程应用提供了理论基础。


    Abstract: Excavating coal mine roadways is the most hazardous and challenging aspect of underground production. While intelligent fully mechanized mining faces have advanced, the intelligentization of roadway excavation has been slow, resulting in a “mining-excavation imbalance” that hinders efficient and intelligent mining in coal enterprises. In China, roadheaders are extensively used electro-mechanical equipment for underground excavation. The efficiency and quality of the roadway excavation directly depend on the roadheader’s ability to cut coal and rock quickly and accurately. This paper proposes an intelligent joint cutting strategy for roadheaders, utilizing LSTM deep learning and fuzzy inference control to enhance efficiency and intelligence. The study includes a comprehensive analysis of joint cutting conditions, leading to the development of a joint control strategy. Additionally, a joint cutting control method is suggested, integrating LSTM deep learning neural network controller for accurate load identification and a fuzzy inference controller for intelligent speed regulation of the roadheader’s cutting head and arm. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves intelligent joint regulation under both conventional and complex working conditions with a control process response time within 0.6 seconds, minimal overshoot, high control accuracy, and stability. Compared to advanced single control methods, the proposed joint cutting control method reduces response time and ensures stability. Designed experiments on a remotely monitored and controlled platform for roadheaders verify the accuracy and effectiveness of the method, providing a technical reference for the rapid and intelligent excavation of roadheader robots and laying a theoretical foundation for further optimization and engineering applications.


