
Study on characteristics and mechanism of overlying rock and surface damage in gently inclined thick coal seam

  • 摘要: 为科学指导鄂尔多斯盆地西部缓倾斜厚煤层开采矿井灾害防治和生态环境保护,实现西部煤炭的绿色安全开采。以红柳煤矿I020213工作面研究为背景,采用相似材料模拟、实地调查、裂缝原位示踪开挖和理论分析相结合的方法,分析缓倾斜厚煤层仰采覆岩及地表损伤特征,并依此构建地表裂缝活动类型的判据,探究地表裂缝形成及活动机理。结果表明:I020213工作面顶板覆岩以“悬臂−断裂−铰接−垮落回转−滑移−稳定”的重复性结构向前扩展演化,采空区上方覆岩破坏形态呈斜梯形的非对称偏移形态,下山采空区压实度是上山采空区的1.2倍,采空压实区边界整体呈类似抛物线的椭抛面。覆岩离层裂隙宽度具有“增大−减小”的动态变化特征,竖向裂隙宽度则表现出“增大−稳定”和“增大−减小−稳定”2种动态特征;导水裂隙带发育高度呈“快增−缓增−稳定”的递进式动态发育特征,稳定后发育高度达145 m。采空区上方地表损伤形式以地表隆起为主,隆起高度达2.7~36.0 cm,平均为10.14 cm;工作面边界上方主要发育拉张裂缝和台阶裂缝,裂缝宽度为1.5~18.0 cm,落差最大约17.0 cm;根据裂缝宽度−深度变化特征,地表裂缝剖面形态可分为“类楔型”、“类梭型”和 “类树枝分叉型”3类,且具有偏斜特征,偏移量与裂缝发育深度呈二次多项式相关;宽度小于3.0 cm的裂缝垂向发育深度为1.70~3.10 m,垂向深度差为46.0~190.0 cm/m,平均垂向深度差为132 cm/m,裂缝发育深度与宽度符合线性函数关系。采空区上方地表隆起滞后回采位置发育,滞后距离为24.7~71.3 m,隆起高度均呈现“增加−稳定”的动态变化过程,活动时间为11~13 d;边界裂缝在拉张作用下呈现“持续增大−稳定”和“开裂−稳定”2种变化特征,活动时间为2~12 d。地表裂缝发育类型及活动特征与表土层性质和裂缝间距密切相关。一般情况下裂缝间距越大,越易形成无闭合活动的台阶裂缝,反之则容易形成有闭合活动的拉张裂缝。


    Abstract: In order to scientifically guide the disaster prevention and ecological environment protection of the gently coal seam mining in the west of Ordos Basin, and to realize the green and safe mining of coal. The laws of overlying rock and surface damage caused by overlying mining in gently inclined thick coal seam were revealed, and the formation and activity mechanism of surface cracks were expounded by using the methods of similar material simulation, field investigation, crack excavation and theoretical analysis. The results show that the roof overburden of I020213 face extends forward with the repeatable structural evolution characteristics of “cantilever-fracture-hinged joint-collapse rotation-slip-stability”. The failure form of the overlying rock above the goaf was an oblique trapezoid asymmetric migration shape, the compaction degree of the downhill goaf was 1.2 times that of the uphill goaf, and the whole boundary of the goaf was an elliptical parabola similar to parabola. The fracture width of overlying strata has the dynamic characteristics of “increase-decrease”, while the vertical fracture width shows two dynamic characteristics of “increase-stability” and “increase-decrease-stability”. The development height of water-conducting fracture zone with the progressive development characteristic of "rapid increase-slow increase-stability" was 145 m. The surface damage above the goaf was surface uplift, which uplift height was 2.7~36.0 cm. Tensile cracks with average width of 1.5 ~ 18.0 cm and bench cracks with average drop height of 17.0 cm were mainly developed above the boundary of the working face. According to the variation characteristics of crack width and depth, the shape of surface fracture profile with skew characteristics was divided into three types: “wedge-like”, “shuttle-like” and “branch-like bifurcation”, also the offset was quadratic polynomial correlation with the fracture development depth. The vertical development depth of the crack less than 3.0 cm is 1.70 ~ 3.10 m, and the vertical depth difference was 46.0~190.0 cm/m(the average:132 cm/m), meanwhile the crack depth and width conform to the linear function. The surface uplift above the goaf lags behind the development of mining position and the lag distance is 24.7-71.3 m, the uplift height shows a dynamic process of “increase-stability”, and the active time is 11-13 days. under the action of tension, the boundary cracks show the characteristics of “continuous increase-stability” and “cracking-stability”, and the active time is about 2-12 days. The topsoil layer's characteristics and the distance between cracks have a direct impact on the types of surface cracks that emerge and their activity characteristics. Step cracks without closed activity are often easier to form with greater crack spacing, but tension fractures with closed activity are easier to form.


