
Source of mine water during coal mining in the contiguous area of Inner Mongolia and Shaanxi

  • 摘要: 蒙陕接壤区作为我国能源安全的核心保障区域,同样也是黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展的关键地带。该区域煤炭资源的高强度开采可能对生态环境造成重大影响,尤其是对地表以下浅层第四系含水层的破坏。由于难以精确评估顶板各含水层的渗漏情况,这增加了制定科学、有效的保水采煤策略的难度。本研究基于对蒙陕接壤区地下水中环境同位素(D和18O)的检测与分析,应用同位素质量守恒原理,计算了矿井水水源的相对贡献量。研究发现,各含水层水中的环境同位素受地形地貌、地层结构和地下水赋存等因素的影响。研究区的第四系地下水主要来源于大气降水和地表水,具有快速的循环更替速度,表现为富含氚的现代水补给特征,其δD值和δ18O值大气降水和地表水相近。深埋区的白垩系与第四系水力联系紧密,循环更替过程较长,导致环境同位素值有所降低。白垩系和侏罗系地下水受垂向补给控制,循环更替速度减缓,δD值和δ18O值逐渐降低,其中白垩系地下水的δD值为–80.2‰~–75.6‰,δ18O值为–10.6‰~–8.7‰。浅埋区和中深埋区地层由于沉积时间长,成岩作用较好,加之后期构造运动的影响,与第四系或新近系直接接触,接受第四系地下水补给,导致δD值和δ18O值相对较高。而深埋区的侏罗系地层由于本身厚度较大,上覆有厚层的第四系和白垩系地层,地下水补给条件较差,地下水径流过程漫长且较为封闭滞流,因此δD值和δ18O值相对较低。本研究利用地下水中的δD值,通过二元混合模型计算得出,在浅埋区的矿井水中,第四系水的比例有所不同:SGT和HLG煤矿的占比小于20%,而BLT和LSJ等煤矿的占比介于28.0%~57.0%,YBJ煤矿的占比则接近80%。在中深埋区,矿井水中第四系水的比例通常小于20%,但在开发较早、顶板存在保德组红土层"天窗"的HLW和SS煤矿中,第四系水的比例分别达到了37.05%和26.24%。在深埋区,矿井水中白垩系水的占比约为30%。IsoSource模型的计算结果显示,第四系水的贡献率在7.6%~9.3%间,白垩系水的贡献率在12.0%~17.1%间,而侏罗系上段水的贡献率在74.9%~80.4%间,且不同矿区的矿井水中各水源的贡献率相近。本研究准确识别了矿井水中各含水层水的来源比例,对于蒙陕接壤区的保水采煤和生态环境保护具有重要的实际意义。


    Abstract: The region where Inner Mongolia and Shaanxi converge is pivotal for the underpinning of national energy security and is also central to the ecological conservation and sustainable development of the Yellow River Basin. Intensive coal extraction in this zone potentially poses a substantial threat to ecological conservation, notably by undermining the integrity of the shallow Quaternary groundwater environment. Accurate assessment of the leakage from various aquifers within the overburden is a complex task, thereby complicating the development of scientifically sound and targeted strategies for water conservation during coal mining. Our research leverages the principle of isotopic mass balance, following the analysis of environmental isotopes (Deuterium and Oxygen-18) present in the groundwater of the aforementioned border region, to quantify the relative contributions of different mine water sources. Findings indicate that the isotopic signatures in the aquifer waters are influenced by a multitude of factors including topography, stratigraphic configuration, and the nature of groundwater storage. The direct sources of groundwater in the Quaternary aquifer of the study area are atmospheric precipitation and surface water, characterized by rapid circulation and renewal, replenished by modern water with tritium-rich features. The deuterium (D) and oxygen-18 (18O) values in the groundwater are close to those of atmospheric precipitation and surface water. In the deep-buried Cretaceous aquifer, the hydraulic connection with the Quaternary is tight, and the cycle and renewal process is prolonged, resulting in a decrease in environmental isotope values. The deuterium values in the Cretaceous groundwater range from –80.2‰ to –75.6‰, and the oxygen-18 values range from –10.6‰ to –8.7‰. The groundwater in the Jurassic aquifer, which is controlled by vertical recharge, exhibits a slower cycle and renewal rate, with gradually decreasing δD and δ18O values. The shallow and moderately deep-buried strata have a long depositional history and better cementation, affected by later tectonic movements, and are in direct contact with the Quaternary or Neogene, receiving replenishment from Quaternary groundwater, thus having relatively higher δD and δ18O values. In contrast, the Jurassic strata in the deep-buried area, with its substantial thickness and overlying thick layers of Quaternary and Cretaceous strata, have poor groundwater replenishment, a long groundwater flow path, and are relatively closed and stagnant, resulting in relatively lower δD and δ18O values. The application of the D-value, in conjunction with the binary mixing model, facilitates the quantitative assessment of the contribution of Quaternary waters in shallow-buried coal mine waters. In the case of the SGT and HLG coal mines, the proportion of Quaternary waters is typically less than 20%. In contrast, the Quaternary water content in the BLT and LSJ coal mines varies between 28.0% and 57.0%. Notably, the Quaternary water proportion in the YBJ coal mine approaches 80%, indicating a significantly higher contribution. For the middle and deep-buried coal mine waters, the Quaternary water content is generally less than 20%. However, it is noteworthy that in the HLW and SS coal mines, which have been developed earlier and feature 'skylights' of the Puding Formation red soil layer in the roof, the Quaternary water content has reached 37.05% and 26.24%, respectively. This suggests that under specific geological conditions, the proportion of Quaternary waters may be substantially elevated. In the deep-buried mine waters, the contribution of Cretaceous water is approximately around 30%. IsoSource modeling has calculated that the contribution rate of Quaternary water ranges from 7.6% to 9.3%, the contribution rate of Cretaceous water is between 12.0% and 17.1%, and the contribution rate of the Upper Jurassic water is from 74.9% to 80.4%. Moreover, the contributions of various sources to the mine waters are similar across different mining areas. By using the D content value in groundwater and a binary mixed model, it was calculated that the proportion of Quaternary water in shallow buried mine water was less than 20% for SGT and HLG coal mines, 28.0% to 57.0% for BLT and LSJ coal mines, and nearly 80% for YBJ coal mines; The proportion of Quaternary water in the mine water in the middle and deep buried areas was generally less than 20%. The proportion of Quaternary water in HLW and SS coal mines, which were developed earlier and had a "skylight" in the red soil layer of the Baode Formation on the roof, reached 37.05% and 26.24% respectively. The proportion of Cretaceous water in deep buried mine water was about 30%. The IsoSource model calculates that the contribution rates of Quaternary water were between 7.6% and 9.3%, Cretaceous water was between 12.0% and 17.1%, and the contribution rates of upper Jurassic water were between 74.9% and 80.4%. The contribution rates of various sources of mine water in different mining areas were similar. This study accurately identified the proportion of water sources in various aquifers of mine water, which was of great significance for ecological environment protection and green and sustainable development of coal resources in the contiguous area of Inner Mongolia and Shaanxi. Accurately identifying the source proportions of water from various aquifers in mine water is of significant importance for the conservation of water resources and ecological protection in the coal mining areas bordering Inner Mongolia and Shaanxi. This study aims to provide a precise delineation of these proportions, thereby contributing to sustainable mining practices and the preservation of the ecological environment in the region.


