
Numerical simulation of plant root system stress response to coal mining disturbances in semiarid mining areas

  • 摘要: 根系损伤是半干旱井工开采煤矿区植物损伤的关键生态问题,采动岩层破断运动诱发的根土层应力变化对植物根系的损伤机理及影响因素仍需深入探究。依据准黏聚力理论和锚固理论构建基于FLAC3D的植物主根应力损伤数值模型,通过控制变量,分别模拟不同开采条件、不同根土层力学性质和不同根系密度和直径下植物根土复合单元与根系的宏观力学扰动特征,构建植物根系应力对不同开采深度、推进速度、煤层埋深、煤层厚度的状态响应函数。结果得到:开采基岩破断产生的顶板应力会传递到根土层,根土层塑性区破坏范围随工作面不断推进递增,扰动区根系上下部受到的最大剪应力增加,根系上下部所受应力的非一致性是诱发采空区边界附近根系损伤的重要原因。控制单一变量的情况下,扰动区根系受到的最大剪应力随着采厚的增加递增,随采深的增加递减,但受采速的变化仅影响覆岩应力传递到根土层的时间,对根土层塑性区破坏范围基本无影响;随内摩擦角和黏聚力增加,土体的抗剪性能越强,根土层发生剪切破坏的区域递减,利于植物根系保护;随根径的增大,根系单位面积上的应力递减,而根系密度的变化对根系应力及根土层塑性区破坏程度影响较小。根系上下部应力差与采厚、采深、采速之间的响应函数类型均为连续渐变函数,与推进距离之间的响应函数为阶跃变化函数。植被保护或源头减损时须调控开采沉陷位态,或采用充填、部分充填等静态开采技术,尽可能降低开采扰动对植物根系的应力损伤。研究结果可丰富半干旱矿区煤炭井工开采诱发植物损伤机理。


    Abstract: Root damage is a critical ecological issue affecting vegetation in semi-arid underground coal mining areas. The mechanisms and influencing factors of root stress damage induced by stress changes in the root-soil layer due to mining-induced rock mass fracturing require further investigation. This study establishes a numerical model of root stress damage in the main root of plants based on FLAC3D, incorporating the quasi-cohesion and anchoring theories. By controlling variables, the model simulates the macroscopic mechanical disturbance characteristics of the plant-soil composite unit and root system under different mining conditions, root-soil layer mechanical properties, and root density and diameter. State response functions of root stress to different mining depths, advance rates, coal seam depths, and coal seam thicknesses are then constructed. The results show that the roof stress generated by the fracturing of the mined bedrock is transmitted to the root-soil layer. The extent of plastic zone damage in the root-soil layer increases with the advancement of the working face. The maximum shear stress on the upper and lower parts of the disturbed zone roots increases, and the inconsistency of stress on the upper and lower parts of the root system is a major cause of root damage near the boundary of the goaf. Under single-variable control, the maximum shear stress on the disturbed zone roots increases with increasing coal seam thickness and decreases with increasing mining depth. However, the advance rate only affects the time it takes for the overlying rock stress to transmit to the root-soil layer, with little effect on the extent of plastic zone damage in the root-soil layer. With increasing internal friction angle and cohesion, the shear strength of the soil increases, reducing the area of shear failure in the root-soil layer and thus protecting the roots. As root diameter increases, the stress per unit area on the root decreases, while changes in root density have a relatively small impact on root stress and the extent of plastic zone damage in the root-soil layer. The response functions between the stress difference between the upper and lower parts of the root system and coal seam thickness, mining depth, and advance rate are all continuous and gradually changing functions, while the response function with respect to the advance distance is a step change function. Vegetation protection or source reduction requires controlling the mining subsidence state or employing backfilling, partial backfilling, and other static mining techniques to minimize the stress damage to plant roots caused by mining disturbances. The research findings enrich the understanding of plant damage mechanisms induced by underground coal mining in semi-arid areas.


