
Ultrasound-assisted leaching of calcium ions from fly ash to mineralize CO2 and fire extinguishing characteristics of products

  • 摘要: 利用粉煤灰浆液矿化捕集CO2,并利用矿化浆液防控采空区煤自燃,能够实现减污降碳与灾害治理的双重效果。针对当前粉煤灰矿化CO2过程钙离子浸出速率慢、矿化量小等问题,提出利用超声波加速粉煤灰浸出钙离子、强化粉煤灰矿化CO2效能的思路,利用离子色谱仪研究低钙粉煤灰和高钙粉煤灰浆液中钙离子的浸出规律,采用低温N2吸附法和SEM-EDS技术分析超声波对粉煤灰颗粒结构的改变作用,借助CO2吸附与矿化反应实验系统测定超声波对粉煤灰矿化CO2的强化效果,探究超声波强化粉煤灰钙离子浸出的原理。试验结果表明:粉煤灰直接浸出Ca2+速率十分缓慢,直至30 d达到浸出平衡;经过超声波强化处理后,30 min时Ca2+浓度即可达到静置状态30 d时的浸出水平,表明超声波显著提高了粉煤灰Ca2+的浸出速率。此外,经过超声波强化处理后,低钙和高钙粉煤灰的比表面积分别增加了23.71%和184.71%,表明超声波的空化效应能够破坏粉煤灰颗粒之间的聚集和粘附,使得颗粒被细化、孔隙结构发育,促进了粉煤灰与水之间的Ca2+浸出等传质过程;矿化试验结果表明:低钙和高钙粉煤灰经超声波处理改性后,与未处理的原始粉煤灰相比矿化量分别增长了410%和22%,达到7.66 g/kg和82.02 g/kg,表明超声波增强了粉煤灰对CO2的矿化效果。在此基础上,利用粉煤灰浆液矿化CO2产物防控采空区煤自燃,与原始粉煤灰处理煤样的放热量相比,矿化产物处理煤样的放热量分别降低3.32%和14.24%,表明矿化产物具有更优异的煤自燃抑制特性。


    Abstract: The use of fly ash slurry for mineralization to capture CO2, along with utilizing the mineralized slurry to prevent spontaneous combustion in goaf area, can achieve the dual benefits of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, as well as disaster management. Addressing the current issues in the CO2 mineralization process of fly ash, such as slow leaching rate of calcium ions and low mineralization capacity, proposing a new approach to use ultrasound to accelerate the leaching of calcium ions from fly ash and enhance its CO2 mineralization efficiency. Using ion chromatography to study the leaching patterns of calcium ions in low-calcium fly ash and high-calcium fly ash slurries, and employing low-temperature N2 adsorption and SEM-EDS techniques to analyze the changes in structure of fly ash particles under the action of ultrasound, the paper evaluates the enhancement effect of ultrasound on CO2 mineralization of fly ash using a self-built CO2 adsorption and mineralization reaction experimental system. Moreover, the principle of ultrasound-enhanced leaching of calcium ions from fly ash was explored. The experimental results show that the leaching rate of Ca2+ in low-calcium and high-calcium fly ash slurries is very slow under static conditions, reaching leaching equilibrium only after 30 days. After ultrasound-enhanced treatment, the concentration of Ca2+ in both types of fly ash slurries can reach the leaching level of 30 days under static conditions within 30 minutes, indicating that ultrasound significantly enhances the leaching rate of Ca2+ in fly ash slurries. At the same time, after ultrasound-enhanced leaching treatment, the specific surface area of low-calcium and high-calcium fly ash increased by 23.71% and 184.71%, respectively, indicating that the cavitation effect of ultrasound can disrupt the aggregation and adhesion between fly ash particles, leading to particle refinement and further development of pore structure. This promotes mass transfer processes such as Ca2+ leaching from fly ash into water. Mineralization test results show that after ultrasound modification, the mineralization amount of low-calcium and high-calcium fly ash increased by 410% and 22%, respectively, with mineralized carbon sequestration amounts reaching 7.66 g/kg and 82.02 g/kg, respectively, indicating that ultrasound significantly enhances the CO2 mineralization effect of fly ash. Based on this, utilizing the mineralized CO2 product of fly ash slurry for preventing and controlling coal spontaneous combustion. Compared to treating coal samples with original fly ash, the heat release of coal samples treated with mineralized products decreased by 3.32% and 14.24%, respectively, indicating that mineralized CO2 products have superior coal spontaneous combustion inhibition characteristics.


