
The control of fragmenting swelling deformation disasters in deep mine roadways and the efficient TBM tunneling technology under such conditions

  • 摘要: 随着浅部煤炭资源逐步枯竭,煤炭开采不断向深部发展,我国东部矿区和中西部部分矿区已经进入深部开采阶段。然而,由于深部岩体的高地应力环境及采掘过程的强扰动效应,深部巷道大变形灾害频发,严重制约了深部煤炭资源的安全高效开发。如何有效控制巷道围岩稳定及提升掘进效率已成为深部煤炭开发面临的重大技术挑战,主要体现在:对深部巷道米级大变形灾变的机理认识尚不清晰;缺乏适用于深部巷道大变形灾害控制的理论与技术;缺乏适应大变形灾变环境的快速成巷技术。针对以上问题,本文围绕中东部典型矿区深部巷道米级大变形灾变机理、深部巷道大变形灾害控制理论及技术体系、大变形灾变环境下的快速成巷技术等方面展开了系统研究,取得了以下进展:提出了深部巷道围岩应力场和变形破裂导致的围岩结构扰动演化过程的探测表征方法,发展了深部巷道大变形灾变过程模拟分析的FDEM方法,揭示了深部巷道米级大变形灾害孕育形成的破裂碎胀−大位移运动机理;提出了由“应力恢复、围岩增强、固结修复、应力转移−承载圈控制”四项控制原理构成的深部围岩稳定性分步联合控制理论,建立了精准介入围岩结构与扰动应力场演化过程、多重手段分步协同的灾害控制理论与技术体系;研发出深部巷道大变形灾变环境下TBM安全高效掘进关键技术,发展了TBM掘进过程挤压变形卡机灾害预测控制方法,建立了深部煤系地层TBM系统适应性设计理论与评价决策体系。研究成果实现了典型矿区深部巷道碎胀大变形灾害的有效控制和安全高效掘进,解决了深部矿井采掘接替的技术难题。


    Abstract: As shallow coal resources are gradually exhausted, the exploitation of deep coal resources goes deeper, where all mines in eastern China and some mines in central-western China have entered the deep mining stage. However, due to the high stress conditions in deep rock masses and the strong disturbance during tunnelling, large deformation disasters frequently occur in deep coal mine roadways, significantly constraining the safe and efficient exploitation of deep coal resources. Effectively controlling the surrounding rock stability and improving excavation efficiency has become a major technical challenge in deep coal development, including: unclear mechanisms of meter-scale large deformation in deep coal mine roadways; insufficient theories and technologies for large deformation control; limited safe and efficient tunnelling techniques that adapt to such environments. To address these issues, this paper systematically studied the large deformation mechanism and control method, as well as the safe and efficient tunnel techniques in typical mining areas in the central and eastern regions of China. The following advancements have been achieved: detection and characterization methods for the evolution of stress field and rock structure in deep complex strata was proposed, along with the development of a numerical method for large rock deformation and failure process simulation, to reveal the fragmenting-swelling induced large deformation mechanism in deep roadways; A stepped combined control theory for large deformation was proposed, based on the principles of stress recovery, rock reinforcement, consolidation repair, and stress transfer. And a technical system, featuring precise intervention of stress fields and rock structures evolution and multi-step combined measurements, was established to control large deformation disasters; key technologies for safe and efficient TBM excavation under large deformation disaster conditions were developed. Particularly, prediction and control methods for jamming disasters during TBM excavation were proposed, along with a system for adaptive TBM design and decision-making in deep complex strata. These research advancements have effectively controlled large deformation disasters, and ensured safe and efficient excavation in deep roadways of typical mining areas, achieving the mining/excavation balance in deep mines.


