
Research progress and challenges in prevention and control of combined disasters of coal spontaneous combustion and methane in coal mine goaf

  • 摘要: 采空区煤自燃与瓦斯复合灾害是煤矿最严重的灾害之一,往往会造成重大的人员伤亡和经济损失。为了进一步提高防控采空区复合灾害的能力,分析了采空区的漏风、瓦斯运移集聚和煤自燃火灾是发生煤自燃与瓦斯复合灾害的主要形成要素,指出了复合灾害具有耦合性、隐蔽性、不确定性、动态性、继发性和严重性的主要特征;提出了复合灾害防控技术体系,系统阐述了目前我国在煤自燃与瓦斯复合灾害动态演化特性、复合灾害辨识与预警技术、采空区绿色高效防灭火技术、复合灾害惰化抑爆技术和复合灾害应急处置技术等方面的最新研究成果及进展。但是,随着我国煤矿开采深度和强度的增大,开采环境发生剧烈变化,采空区复合灾害问题也日趋严重复杂,采空区煤自燃诱发瓦斯爆炸的重特大事故仍时有发生。针对采空区煤自燃与瓦斯复合灾害高效防控的迫切需求,通过分析最近发生的采空区煤自燃与瓦斯复合灾害事故,凝练出复合灾害耦合致灾风险的精准预判与评估、复合灾害信息的精准获取、封闭区域的合理选择、灾害区域的精准定位和智能定向处置是当前复合灾害高效防控面临的四大挑战,并提出了相应的研究方向和内容,为防范与遏制采空区煤自燃与瓦斯复合灾害事故、保障我国煤炭安全高效开采提供借鉴。


    Abstract: The combined disaster of coal spontaneous combustion and methane in coal mine goaf is one of the most serious disasters, often causing significant casualties and economic losses. In order to improve the ability to prevent and control combined disaster in goaf, the air leakage, methane migration and accumulation, and coal spontaneous combustion are summarized as the main forming factors, and the main characteristics of coupling, concealment, uncertainty, dynamicity, secondary and severity has been pointed out. A technology system for prevention and control of combined disaster has been proposed, and the latest research achievements and progress in the dynamic evolution characteristics of coal spontaneous combustion and methane, identification and early warning technology, green and efficient fire prevention and extinguishing technology in goaf, inerting and explosion suppression technology, and emergency response technology have been systematically elaborated. However, with the increasing depth and intensity of coal mining in China, the mining environment undergoes drastic changes, which leads to the problem of composite disasters in goaf areas becoming increasingly serious and complex. Major accidents caused by spontaneous combustion of coal and methane explosions still occur from time to time. In response to the urgent need for efficient prevention and control of coal spontaneous combustion and gas composite disasters in goaf areas, four major challenges are summarized by analyzing the recent combined disasters of coal spontaneous combustion and methane in goaf areas: accurate prediction and evaluation of coupled disaster risk, accurate acquisition of combined disaster information, reasonable selection of enclosed areas, accurate positioning and intelligent targeted disposal of disaster areas. Further, the corresponding research directions and contents are proposed for the efficient prevention and control of coal spontaneous combustion and gas combined disasters in goaf areas, which aims to provide reference for preventing and curbing coal spontaneous combustion and methane combined disasters in goaf areas, and ensure safe and efficient coal mining.


