
Research progress and prospect of coal based solid waste backfilling mining technology

  • 摘要: 煤基固废充填开采技术符合煤炭绿色智能开采和洁净高效低碳利用行业主要攻关方向及新发展理念要求,是促进煤炭开采高质量化、环境低损伤化、绿色低碳化发展的研究重点与热点。本文在总结煤基固废充填开采技术研发背景与发展历程的基础上,系统性介绍了煤基固废充填开采技术体系的研究现状,经过二十余年产学研用联合攻关,历经五代技术的研发创新,已基本形成体系的典型固废充填技术包括综合机械化固体充填、膏体充填、长壁逐巷胶结充填、覆岩隔离注浆充填、“井下采选充+X”,为“三下”开采、条带煤住回收、岩层移动与地表变形控制、煤基固废井下处置提供了较全面的技术途径;煤基固废充填开采充填材料本构模型、关键岩层控制及地表变形控制等理论研究也取得了较大进展,基本构建成充填开采岩层控制理论体系;面临产业智能化升级、深部资源开采、煤基固废规模化处置与资源化利用等重点发展趋势,煤基固废充填开采技术的主要发展方向包括但不限于煤基固废高效智能充填、井下嗣后注浆充填处置、深部充填采热、煤基固废充填井下碳封存、煤基固废绿色功能材料井下利用等。现有研究现状及发展趋势综合表明:煤基固废充填开采技术是实现煤炭资源绿色智能高效开采的重要代表性途径。


    Abstract: Coal⁃based solid waste backfilling mining technology is in line with the main research direction and new de⁃ velopment concept requirements of green and intelligent coal mining and clean,efficient and low⁃carbon utilization. It is the research focus and hot spot to promote the development of high quality and quantitative coal mining,low environ⁃ mental damage,and green and low⁃carbon operation. On the basis of summarizing the research and development back⁃ ground and development history of coal⁃based solid waste backfill mining technology,the research status of coal⁃based solid waste backfill mining technology system is systematically presented. After more than 20 years of industry⁃univer⁃ sity⁃research⁃use joint research, it has successively experienced five generations of technology research and development innovation. The typical solid waste backfilling technologies,that have basically formed a system including comprehensive mechanized solid backfilling, paste backfilling, long⁃wall and roadway⁃by⁃roadway cemented backfilling,overlying rock isolation grouting backfilling,and “underground mining⁃separating⁃backfilling and X”,pro⁃ vide a more comprehensive solution for “coal mining under buildings,waters⁃bodies and railways”,strip coal recovery, and coal⁃based solid waste underground disposal. Significant progress has also been made in theoretical research on the constitutive model of backfill materials,key rock formation control and surface deformation control in coal⁃based solid waste backfill mining,and a theoretical system for backfill mining rock formation control has been basically construc⁃ ted. With the development trends of intelligent upgrading,large⁃scale disposal and resource utilization of coal⁃based solid waste,the main development directions of coal⁃based solid waste backfilling and mining technology include but are not limited to the efficient and intelligent backfilling of coal⁃based solid waste,underground grouting backfilling and disposal,deep backfilling heat mining,coal⁃based solid waste backfilling underground carbon sequestration,coal⁃ based solid waste green functional materials underground utilization,etc. The existing research status and development trend comprehensively show that the coal⁃based solid waste backfilling mining technology is an important representative way to realize a green,intelligent and efficient mining of coal resources.


