
Coal graphitization:Structures and their differential evolution

  • 摘要: 石墨作为战略性非金属矿产对我国的发展极为重要。 然而我国的石墨矿产资源量有限,以 煤为碳源制备石墨逐渐成为了当下乃至未来重要的发展趋势。 在煤的石墨化过程中,伴随着杂原 子的脱出,芳香层片逐渐拼叠,朝定向化发展,结构演化显示出了“ 渐变” 与“ 突变” 的特征,而这与 煤大分子结构演化紧密相关。 由于煤本身的非均质性,如显微组分差异、聚集态结构差异和分子结 构差异,因而在石墨化过程中会产生不同的碳类型产物,使得对煤向石墨演变过程的研究充满了挑 战。 通过分析煤石墨化理论(包括微晶生长理论、乱层结构理论模型、易石墨化炭和难石墨化炭分 类及多缺陷统计理论等),指出煤石墨化过程中,除了不断形成石墨微晶,还伴随着结构缺陷的不 断修复过程。 通过研究煤在石墨化过程中的结构演化,阐明了煤石墨化过程具有渐变性、突变性特 征。 系统探讨了煤显微组分、煤颗粒内外部、煤中不同聚集态结构对于煤石墨化的差异化作用,镜 质体比惰质体更容易石墨化,指出不同显微组分石墨化差异性与其本身分子结构差异有关;煤颗粒 受热后,颗粒边缘更容易定向,朝石墨化发展;易石墨化炭和难石墨化炭的差异体现在纳米结构上, 难石墨化炭中曲率的存在抑制煤石墨化。 最后,结合对石墨化后产物中不同碳类型分类分析,指出 未来煤石墨化研究的重点和方向。


    Abstract: As a strategic non⁃metal resource, graphite is extremely important to the economic development in China. Nevertheless, the graphite resource in China is limited. The preparation of graphite from coals as a carbon source has gradually become an important development trend at present and in the future. In the graphitization process of coals, with the release of heteroatoms, the aromatic layers are gradually connected and become to be orientation. The structure evolution of coal graphitization shows the characteristics of gradual change and drastic change, which is closely related to the evolution of the macromolecular structure of coals. Due to the heterogeneity of coal itself, such as the differences in maceral, aggregated structures, and molecular structures, different carbon types will be pro⁃ duced during the graphitization process, presenting some challenges for studying the evolution process from coals to graphite. Thus, by analyzing the theory of coal graphitization (including crystalline theory, turbostratic theo⁃ ry model, classification of graphitizable carbon and non⁃graphitizable carbon, as well as multi⁃defective statistical the⁃ ory), the process of coal graphitization was proposed. Graphite microcrystals are formed continuously, and structural defects are also repaired continuously. Through studying the structural evolution of coal in the graphitization process, it is clarified that the coal graphitization process is characterized by gradual change and by drastic change. The different effects of coal macerals, internal and external coal particles and various coal aggregate structures on coal graphitization were systematically studied. Vitrinite is easier to be graphitized than inertinite. The graphitiza⁃ tion characteristics of different macerals are related to the difference in molecular structure. After coal particles be⁃ ing heated, the grain edges are easily aligned and develop toward graphitization. The difference between graphitiz⁃ able carbon and non⁃graphitizable carbon is reflected in the nanostructures. The existence of curvature in the non⁃graphitizable carbon inhibits the coal graphitization. Finally, considering the different carbon types in the products after coal graphitization, the prospect of future coal graphitization research was proposed.


