
Theory and technology of green filling of solid waste in underground mine at coal power base of Yellow River Basin

  • 摘要: 全国 14 个大型煤炭基地中有 9 个位于黄河流域,长期以来的煤炭资源持续性高强度开发 与利用,造成地表沉陷与固废堆积,已严重影响到黄河流域生态环境的高质量发展。 煤矿充填开采 是解放“ 三下一上” 压煤,延长矿井服务年限,解决矿区矸石污染生态环境问题的重要途径,可有效 减轻煤炭开采对自然、社会和生态环境的影响与破坏。 针对黄河流域生态脆弱区煤炭开采与生态 环境保护的需求,全面调研分析了煤矿充填开采技术发展现状,获得了黄河流域煤电基地矿井充填 发展历程及其开采特点。 基于此,为充分发挥煤炭基地能源支撑和煤矿开采遗留地下空间的优势, 提出黄河流域固废与井下绿色充填开采新模式,结合宁东煤矿、煤电、煤化工产业群发展特点,亟需 开展井下煤矸石源头减量与智能分选、固废重金属络合-钝化、功能性多孔吸附材料研发、绿色充 填材料制备、固废井下注充开采多场理论等 5 项基础研究,亟待攻克充填材料远距离安全高效储运 充、充填体与围岩协同控顶、充填开采效果监测监控、煤基固废全产业链接协同利用等 4 项关键技 术,构建黄河流域煤炭资源绿色开采和全产业链接清洁利用理论与技术,为实现黄河流域煤电基地 固废减量化、资源化、规模化绿色利用与生态环境保护提供可靠技术支持。


    Abstract: Nine of the 14 large⁃scale coal bases in China are located in the Yellow River Basin. For a long time,the sustained high⁃intensity development and utilization of coal resources have caused surface subsidence and solid waste accumulation,which has seriously affected the high⁃quality development of the ecological environment in the Yellow River Basin. Back⁃fill coal mining is an important way to free the coal resources with the “three under one up” condi⁃ tions,extend the service life of the mine,and solve the ecological environment problem caused by gangue pollution in the mining area,which can effectively reduce the impact and damage of coal mining on the natural,social and eco⁃ logical environment. In view of the demand of coal and ecological environment protection in the ecologically fragile area of the Yellow River Basin,the development status of coal mine back⁃fill mining technology was comprehensively in⁃ vestigated and analyzed,and the development process and mining characteristics of coal mine back⁃filling at the coal power base of the Yellow River Basin were obtained. Based on this,in order to take advantage of energy support of coal base and underground space left by coal mining,a new mode of solid waste and underground green back⁃fill mining in the Yellow River Basin is proposed. Combined with the development characteristics of Ningdong coal mine,coal power and coal chemical industry cluster, it urgently needs to carry out research in five aspects, i. e., underground coal gangue source reduction and intelligent separation,solid waste heavy metal complexing passivation, functional porous adsorption material,preparation of green filling materials,and the multi⁃field theory of underground solid waste back⁃fill mining. In addition,it urgently needs to develop four key technologies,namely,long⁃distance safe and efficient storage and transportation of filling materials,collaborative roof control between filling body and surround⁃ ing rock,monitoring and control of filling mining effect,and collaborative utilization of coal based solid waste in the whole industry. In this way,the technology and theory can be established for the green mining of coal resources and the clean utilization of solid waste in whole value chain. It also provides a technical support for achieving the solid waste reduction,resourcelization,large⁃scale green utilization and ecological environment protection in the Yellow Riv⁃ er coal basin.


