
Advance of multi-scale study on both analytic models and water-rock interaction characteristics of mudstone

  • 摘要: 泥岩遇水软化特性制约着岩土工程与地下工程的发展,特别是在煤矿工程实践中,泥岩遇水泥化膨胀、承载性能劣化,往往诱发巷道围岩的失稳破坏。黏土矿物的遇水膨胀特性与泥质胶结的强度低、塑性强特性,是富黏土矿物(>50%)泥岩遇水大变形与承载失效的内在本质。工程实践研究中承载持续大变形与泥岩遇水渐进劣化是关键防控和调控过程。针对泥岩研究尺度广、大变形力学机制与水岩作用机理复杂的特点,首先基于工程防控/调控技术研究焦点界定了多尺度研究范畴,划分出宏观岩体(mm)、细观矿物(μm)、微观晶胞(nm)3个研究尺度;其次阐明了不同尺度下的泥岩物理、力学、化学研究模型,讨论了不同尺度泥岩物力化性质分析方法与手段,厘清了泥岩物理力学和物理化学性质的多尺度特性,系统研究了不同尺度下的水岩作用机制,构建了考虑不同尺度相互作用关系的泥岩水岩作用多尺度关联体系;最后展望了泥岩多尺度研究中细观尺度研究的发展方向;指出多尺度水岩作用在多物理场耦合中的研究前景,提出基于多尺度分析的泥岩灾变防治技术研发体系,凝练人工智能方法辅助研究泥岩多尺度的关键科学问题。同时,开展多尺度研究有助于掌握与控制泥岩的物理、化学、力学响应特性,为解决泥岩灾变防治和核废料封存工程难题提供理论基础。


    Abstract: The water softening characteristics of mudstone has greatly limited the development of both geotechnical and underground engineering. Particularly, the instability of roadway in coal mines occurs while mudstone are influenced by water, which causes the argillaceous expansion and bearing capacity deterioration. As the contents of clay minerals exceed 50% in mudstone, the low strength and strong plasticity of argillaceous cementation in mudstone, and the swelling tendency of clay minerals in water are attributed to the large deformation and bearing failure of mudstone soaked in water. In the mudstone engineering practice, the continuous large deformation during bearing and gradual deterioration due to water are the key prevention, control and regulation processes. Firstly, with the complex water-rock mechanism and widespread research scope, the definition of multi-scale research on mudstone was clarified according to the focus point in engineering, and research status were divided into three parts of microscopic, mesoscopic and macroscopic. Secondly, the multi-scale characteristics of both physico-mechanical and physico-chemical properties were revealed by investigating the analytic models in different research scale. The analysis methods of physical, chemical and mechanical properties of mudstone with different scales were discussed. The multi-scale mechanism of water-rock interaction and the relationship between different scales were systematically studied. The multi-scale analytic system of water-rock interaction on mudstone was established. Finally, the research direction of mesoscopic were proposed, the potential application of multi-scale water-rock interaction mechanism in multi-physical field were pointed out, the research and development system of disaster prevention technology on mudstone based on multi-scale analysis were suggested, and the scientific problems for the application of artificial intelligence method on multi-scale study to mudstone were refined. The multi-scale study is beneficial to understand and master the physical, chemical and mechanical response response characteristics of mudstone, which can well provide a scientific theoretical foundation to both disaster prevention and nuclear waste storage.


