
Research framework of theory and technology for coordinated mining of coal and its coexisted and associated strategic metal minerals

  • 摘要: 煤与煤系共伴生矿产协调开采是国家重大战略需求。 我国煤系共伴生有铝、铀、铁、镓等22种战略性金属矿产,种类多、储量丰富、与煤层叠置,赋存状态与开采方法差异大,各矿产开采的岩层活动、流体迁移等影响彼此正常开采。 传统煤矿仅开采煤炭,对煤系共伴生矿产考虑较少或没有考虑,导致资源浪费;近些年国内开始出现煤与共伴生矿产开采的矛盾,煤与共伴生矿产协调开 采迫在眉睫。 面向煤系全部共伴生战略性金属矿产,聚焦典型代表性的煤系铝土矿和铀矿,保障研 究成果的通用性。 煤与共伴生矿产协调开采亟需解决的核心共性重大科学问题是:协调开采的固 液气应力场、渗流场、化学场、微生物场、采动裂隙场耦合机制及岩层活动叠加影响规律。 亟需攻克 的关键技术包括:煤与共伴生矿产协调、协同及共采的分区错时协调开采技术、减振高效爆破开挖 技术、水位主动调控技术、污染物的微生物原位还原-矿化治理技术。 针对协调开采的重大科学问 题和关键技术,研究揭示协调开采多相多场耦合机制与岩层活动叠加影响规律,提出协调开采成套 方法,研发协调开采关键技术与装备,构建全资源、全生命周期协调开采规划理论,制定协调开采技 术标准,形成通用性的协调开采理论与技术体系,保障各矿产开采活动不影响彼此正常开采。 实现 煤与共伴生矿产可持续绿色协调性开采,释放矿产储量,保障资源集约开发,经济社会效益显著。


    Abstract: The coordinated mining of coal and its coexisted and associated minerals is a major national strategy. China’s coal measures are associated with 22 kinds of strategic metal minerals such as aluminum, uranium, iron, and gallium. They have many kinds and large resources, overlap with coal seams, and have great differences in occurrences and mining methods. The rock stratum activities and fluid migration of each mineral affect each other’s normal mining operations. Traditional coal mines only focus on coal mining, with little or no consideration on the extraction of the coexisted and associated minerals of coal measures, resulting in the waste of mineral resources. In recent years, the contradiction between coal and its coexisted and associated mineral mining has begun to draw attention in China, and the coordinated mining of coal and its coexisted and associated minerals is imminent. Aiming at all the coexisted and associated strategic metal minerals of coal measures, this study focuses on the typical and representative coal measures with bauxite and uranium to ensure the versatility of research results. The core common scientific issues that need to be solved urgently in the coordinated mining of coal and its coexisted and associated minerals are the coupling mechanism of threephase including solidliquidgas and fivefield including stress field, seepage field, chemical field, microbial field, and mining fracture field, and the superimposed influence law of rock formation activities. The key technologies that need to be overcome urgently in the coordinated mining of coal and its coexisted and associated minerals include the zoning and staggered mining technology of coordinated, collaborative and comining, the highefficiency blasting and excavation technology with vibration reduction, the water level active control technology, and the insitu reduction and mineralization treatment technology with microbial for pollutants. Aiming at the key scientific issues and key technologies of coordinated mining, the coupling mechanism of multiphase and multifield, and the superimposed influence law of rock formation activities in coordinated mining of coal and its coexisted and associated resources will be analyzed. A complete set of coordinated mining methods will be proposed. The key technologies and equipment for coordinated mining will be developed. Through the construction of all resources and whole life cycle coordinated mine planning theory of coal and its coexisted and associated minerals, the formulation of the coordinate mining technical standards, and the formation of a universal coordinated mining theory and technological system, it can ensure that the mining activities of each resource do not affect the normal mining operation of each other. This study will realize the sustainable and green coordinated mining of coal and its coexisted and associated minerals, release mineral resources, guarantee an intensive development of resources, and achieve some economic and social benefits.


