
Microscopic adhesion between flotation collector molecules and coal surfaces

  • 摘要: 浮选油性捕收剂的使用是实现煤炭高效浮选分离回收的重要途径,然而从微观层面直接测 试捕收剂分子与煤炭表面的黏附作用的研究目前鲜有报到。 本研究采用原子力显微镜单分子力谱 测试(AFM-SMFS)、DLVO/ EDLVO 理论及密度泛函理论(DFT)计算,分析了非极性烷基捕收剂/ 极 性羧基捕收剂在低阶煤/高阶煤表面的黏/脱附力学及界面吸附行为。 在亲水表面,RCH3探针在接 近过程中始终表现为排斥作用,而 RCOOH 改性探针与表面有微弱的跳入黏附现象,在远离过程中 RCOOH 探针产生的脱附力大于 RCH3 探针产生的脱附力,表明极性羧基捕收剂与亲水表面黏附较 牢固。 DLVO 理论可以拟合亲水体系力曲线,范德华力为引力作用,静电斥力支配相互作用过程。 在疏水表面,RCH3 及 RCOOH 探针在接近过程中均先出现排斥作用再发生跳入黏附,在远离过程 中 RCH3 探针产生的脱附力大于 RCOOH 探针产生的脱附力,表明非极性烷基捕收剂与疏水表面黏 附牢固。 EDLVO 理论可以拟合疏水体系力曲线,静电力始终为排斥力,疏水力始终为引力作用,衰 减长度是决定疏水力大小的核心参数,RCH3 与疏水表面间的衰减长度明显大于 RCOOH 与疏水表 面间的衰减长度。 DFT 计算发现低阶煤分子具有静电势极值点,可与具有静电势极值点的极性羧 基捕收剂通过氢键等作用发生黏附,而非极性烷基捕收剂只能通过疏水烃链吸附在低阶煤的芳香 结构上。 非极性烷基捕收剂不能覆盖低阶煤的含氧位点,而极性羧基捕收剂可以覆盖低阶煤的含 氧位点。 高阶煤表面强疏水特性导致非极性烷基捕收剂极易吸附在其表面,而具有负静电势极值 点的极性羧基捕收剂不易吸附。 研究结果从微纳尺度明晰了典型捕收剂分子在煤炭表面上的微观 界面黏附作用,可为浮选捕收剂的筛选设计提供理论借鉴。


    Abstract: The hydrocarbon oil collectors play an important role in separating low⁃quality coal while there are few re⁃ ports on the microscopic interaction between collector molecules and coal surface. In this study,the attachment/de⁃ tachment forces and interfacial adsorption behavior between collectors and coals were analyzed by Atomic Force Mi⁃ croscopy Single Molecule Force Spectrum,DLVO / EDLVO theories,and Density Functional Theory calculation. On hy⁃ drophilic surface,the RCH3 probe always shows repulsion with the hydrophobic surface,while the RCOOH probe has a weak jump in attachment with the hydrophobic surface. The detachment force generated by the RCOOH probe is grea⁃ ter than that generated by the RCH3 probe,which indicates that the polar carboxyl collector adheres firmly to the hy⁃ drophilic surface. The DLVO theory can fit the force curves of the hydrophilic system. The van der Waals force is the gravitational effect,and electrostatic repulsion dominates the interaction process. On the hydrophobic surface,it is found that both RCH3 and RCOOH probes have repulsion first and then jump in attachment with the hydrophobic surface,and the detachment forces generated by the RCH3 probe is greater than that generated by the RCOOH probe during the distance process,indicating that the non⁃polar alkyl collector adheres firmly to the hydrophobic sur⁃ face. The EDLVO theory can fit the force curves of the hydrophobic system. The electrostatic force is always a repul⁃ sive force,and the hydrophobic force is always an attractive force. The attenuation length is the core parameter that de⁃ termines the hydrophobic force. The attenuation length between RCH3 and hydrophobic surface is significantly larger than that between RCOOH and hydrophobic surface. Low⁃rank coal molecules have electrostatic potential extre⁃ mum sites,so that the non⁃polar alkyl collector can only be adsorbed on the aromatic ring structure of low⁃rank coal through hydrophobic hydrocarbon chain. The polar carboxyl collector has positive / negative electrostatic potential extreme points on the hydrophilic head group,which can be adsorbed on the negative electrostatic potential extreme points of low⁃rank coal molecule through weak interactions such as hydrogen bonds. The polar carboxyl collector can cover the oxygen⁃containing group to achieve hydrophobic effect. The surface hydrophobicity of high⁃ rank coal leads to the easy adsorption of non⁃polar alkyl collector on its surface,while the hydrophilic groups on the polar carboxyl collector have negative electrostatic potential extremes,which makes it difficult to interact with the sur⁃ face of high⁃rank coal. The results clarify the adhesion forces of typical collector molecules on the surface of coal at micro⁃nano scales,which can provide theoretical reference for the selection and design of flotation collectors.


