
Research on coal safety range and green low-carbon technology path under the dual carbon background

  • 摘要: 煤炭是我国的主体能源和重要原料,为中华民族伟大复兴做出了不可磨灭的历史贡献,在今后较长时期内,特别是推动我国能源转型发展中还将发挥不可或缺的兜底保障作用。作为“双碳”目标的主战场,能源产业的减碳、降碳是我国“双碳”工作的重点方向。由于我国以煤为主的能源禀赋现状,在保障能源安全的基础上,降低煤炭消费总量及其消费过程中的碳排放强度是实现“双碳”目标的必然选择。当前,“双碳”目标已对煤炭行业整体技术布局和攻关方向提出了全新的要求,煤炭行业比过去任何时候都更加需要科技创新,需要用系统思维谋划、从多个方面统筹未来煤炭科技发展路径,全面推动能源安全新战略向纵深发展。以科学定“量”、绿色提“质”、创新领“路”为纲,探索推进煤炭消费转型升级的技术路径。阐述了开展煤炭安全区间研究的现实紧迫性,分析安全区间上下限影响因素,提出煤炭安全区间需要研究的科学命题;结合世界主要煤炭生产消费国家的绿色低碳科技发展布局和国内低碳科技发展动态,总结了新中国成立以来煤炭绿色低碳科技发展历程,阐述了煤炭工业开拓前进、发展改革、洁净煤技术框架建立、煤炭清洁高效利用、煤炭高质量发展等5个阶段推动绿色低碳发展取得的理论、技术和工业应用等方面的进展,提出了双碳背景下我国煤炭科技创新发展存在的短板与科技攻关需求;围绕技术升级、低碳融合、颠覆突破、负碳固碳等4种类型,提出了智能绿色开采、清洁低碳利用、煤矿瓦斯抽采利用、矿区生态修复+碳汇、矿井空间开发利用、绿氢(电)与煤炭转化融合、煤与生物质/废弃物协同利用、地热资源利用、井下流态化开采与转化一体化、煤基高能燃料合成、先进煤基碳素材料制备、深部原位CO2与CH4制氢、煤矿采空区/残采区/关闭矿井封存CO2、CO2驱油驱气、CO2电化学催化转化捕集、CO2矿化利用等绿色低碳科技创新攻关方向,为新形势下煤炭绿色低碳转型发展相关科技政策的制定提供决策参考,对引导煤炭行业顺应能源革命新形势、满足行业高质量发展新要求、抓住世界经济和能源格局调整新机遇具有重要意义。


    Abstract: Coal is a main energy and an important raw material in China, which has made a historically indelible contribution to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and will play an indispensable role in the future, especially in promoting China’s energy transformation and development. As the main target of “dual carbon” (carbon dioxide emission peak and carbon neutral) goal, the carbon reduction in the energy industry is the key direction of China’s“dual carbon” task. Due to the current China’s coal-dominated energy situation, on the basis of ensuring energy security, the reduction of total coal consumption and carbon emission intensity is an inevitable choice to achieve the “dual carbon” goal. At present, some new requirements have been put forward by the “dual carbon”goal in terms of the overall technological development and the research directions for the coal industry. The coal industry needs science and technology innovation more than ever before. It needs to use a systematical thinking, coordinate the future coal science and technology development path as a whole from several aspects, and comprehensively promote the further development of a new strategy of energy security. Also, it needs to explore a technological path to promote the transformation and upgrading of coal consumption based on scientific determination of quantity, green improvement of quality, and innovation for leading the way. This paper expounds the urgency of carrying out research on coal safety range, analyzes the factors affecting the upper and lower limits of safety range, and puts forward the scientific proposition that coal safety range needs to be studied. In addition, the paper summarizes the development of green and low-carbon coal technologies since the founding of the People’s Republic of China and expounds the theoretical, technological and industrial application progresses of green and low-carbon development in the five stages of coal industry, viz. pioneer and development, development and reform, establishment of clean coal technology framework, clean and efficient utilization of coal, and high quality development of coal, etc. Also, the paper analyzes the development of green and low-carbon science and technologies in some major coal producing and consuming countries including China. The analysis reveals the shortcomings in the development of China’s coal science and technology innovation under the“dual carbon”background and the need for scientific and technological breakthrough. In terms of four types of green and low-carbon technological development, namely technological upgrades, low-carbon integration, disruptive breakthrough and negative carbon sequestration, the paper proposes some research and development directions, i.e., intelligent green mining, clean and lowcarbon utilization, coal mine gas drainage and utilization, ecological restoration of mining areas + carbon sink, coal mine space development and utilization, green hydrogen (electricity) and coal conversion integration, collaborative utilization of coal and biomass/waste, comprehensive utilization of geothermal resources, integration of underground fluidized mining and conversion, coal based high energy fuel synthesis, advanced coal based carbon material preparation, deep in situ CO2 and CH4 hydrogen production, CO2 storage in closed or residual sections and goaf of coal mines, CO2 flooding oil and gas, electrochemical catalytic conversion of CO2 for capture, and CO2 mineralization and utilization. It provides some lessons for the decision making of relevant scientific and technological policies for the green and low-carbon transformation development of coal under new circumstance. It is of great significance to guide the coal industry to adapt to the new situation of energy revolution, meet the new requirements of high quality development of the industry, and seize the new opportunities of adjustment on world economy and energy structure.


