
Research progress on mining with backfill technology of underground metalliferous mine

  • 摘要: 地下金属矿山固废充填开采技术是实现矿业低碳绿色开发的重要途径,矿山充填不仅可以实现最大限度的回采矿产资源,而且可以实现矿业固废的环保处置。本文系统回顾了金属矿山充填采矿方法的发展历程,从金属矿山高效率规模化充填采矿、连续充填开采和如何降低充填采矿成本三个方面介绍了最新的技术应用研究进展。首先系统梳理了金属矿山充填工艺的演变发展脉络,总结了涵盖矿山固废充填料浆制备、充填料浆管道输送、充填采场封闭和采场尾砂料浆脱水等全流程充填工艺技术的应用进展和发展趋势。然后研究分析了尾砂充填体非均质特性和尾砂料浆固结力学特性的演化发展机制,并对比分析了传统的采场充填体强度需求解析方法与改进的胶结充填体强度需求计算-设计方法,进而介绍了井下采场充填体质量原位监测与分析评价方法。基于上述研究进展综述,得出矿山充填采矿方法变革是实现高效率、规模化、低成本充填采矿的核心要素,矿山全流程充填工艺创新是稳定制备与使用高质量充填料浆的必要举措,深入研究采场充填体力学作用机理问题是确保充填采矿技术安全、绿色、经济、便捷应用的本质要求。最后阐明了充填采矿领域未来应重点关注的研究方向,指出加快发展绿色低碳充填新技术、新材料与新装备是助推金属矿山充填转型发展的动力引擎。


    Abstract: Mining with backfill has been used extensively in underground metal mines which is an important way to conduct green and low⁃carbon mining operations. Backfill technologies can achieve both the maximum recovery ratio of underground mineral resources and the environment⁃friendly disposal of mining wastes. This paper systemati⁃ cally reviewed the recent development of mining with backfill methods. The progress of new technology application were introduced from three aspects:High⁃efficiency and large⁃scale mining with backfill,continuous mining with back⁃ fill methods,and reduction of backfill costs in underground mining. Then the evolution and development of the min⁃ ing technologies with backfill used in metal mine were introduced. The application and development trends of the whole process of backfill technology covering the preparation and transportation of tailings slurry,barricades design and the drainage of backfill slurry in the stope were analyzed. The mechanism of heterogeneous characteristics and self⁃weight consolidation behavior of tailings backfill slurry were analyzed,and the comparisons between the tradition⁃ al methods used for strength requirement design of the backfill structure and the improved strength calculation⁃de⁃ sign methods for backfill in mine stopes were made. In addition,the in⁃situ monitoring methods of the backfill slurry to assess the field backfill quality were introduced. Based on the above research,it was obtained that the revolution of mining with backfill methods was the crucial path to achieve a high⁃efficiency,large⁃scale and low⁃cost under⁃ ground mining. The innovations on key points in the whole process of mine backfill were necessary measures for the stable preparation and utilization of high⁃quality underground backfill slurry. Most importantly,an in⁃depth study on the backfill mechanics of different mining methods was essential to ensure a safe,green,economical,and convenient application of mining with backfill. In the end,the research aspects and directions that should be focused on in the fu⁃ ture were clarified. It pointed out that accelerating the development of new technologies,new materials and new equip⁃ ment for green and low⁃carbon backfill was the driving force to promote the transformation and development of mine backfill operation.


