
Mechanical characteristics and numerical simulation of powdered crystalline dolomite under the effects of environmental humidity

  • 摘要: 为了揭示矿柱(岩心)受环境湿度在强度参数、变形特征和能量演化等方面的控制作用,对茶山岭煤矿-850 m中段的粉晶白云岩矿柱取心并制成标准试样。依托自建的密闭空间稳定湿度环境试验平台,成功实现了基于汽化方式的现场湿度系统模拟。分别测量了试样在干燥以及80%、90%和100%RH(相对湿度)环境下60 d后的孔隙率、质量以及尺寸,并开展单轴压缩试验,借助电子显微镜扫描和核磁共振技术分析了试样微细观结构变化规律及强度变形等力学参数的响应特征。结果表明:(1)环境湿度的增加会导致原本致密及排列规则的矿物颗粒失去胶结物的包裹而出现模糊的层间界面,孔隙率升高并伴有软化接触面的矿物颗粒脱落导致试样质量损失以及尺寸缩减。(2)环境湿度决定受载时试样的极限破坏模式,由干燥状态下的纯拉伸破坏过渡到100%RH环境下的剪切/拉伸混合型破坏,且破坏时试样表面宏观裂纹发育数量随湿度升高呈上升趋势。(3)受高湿从外围至中心扩展的“损伤-联结-侵入”效应,白云岩原生裂隙界面与矿物颗粒之间的摩擦作用以及弹性模量、峰值强度等参数减小,泊松比与峰值点应变则增大,加速了白云岩矿柱的失稳变形与破坏。(4)基于试验数据并依托颗粒流软件实现湿度场水汽腐蚀数值模拟,分析模型试样受载时微裂纹发育特征与能量演化之间的相互作用,揭示白云岩力学状态受湿度扩散影响下由外及内渐进损伤的微细观机制。


    Abstract: To reveal the effect of pillar(core)in strength parameters, deformation characteristics and energy evolution by environmental humidity values, the powder-crystal dolomite pillar from the-850 m middle section of the Chashanling mine was cored and produced into standard specimens. Based on the self-built confined space stable humidity condition platform, the system simulation of on-site humidity was successfully carried out via steam method. The porosity, mass and size of the specimens were measured under dry, 80%,90% and 100%RH conditions for 60 d respectively. Uniaxial compression tests were performed, combined with scanning electron microscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance techniques to analyze the microstructure change laws and mechanical parameters such as strength and deformation response characteristics. The results show that:(1) Increased environmental humidity causes dense and regularly arranged mineral particles to lose cements and develop blurred interlayer interfaces. Higher porosity with loss of mineral particles from softened contact surfaces leads to loss of specimen mass and reduction of size.(2) Environmental humidity determines the limited failure mode of the specimen under loading. From tensile failure under dry conditions to mixed shear/tensile failure under 100%RH,the macroscopic crack development on the specimen surface tends to increase with humidity value.(3) Due to the “damage-linkage-invasion” effect of high-humidity expanding from the periphery to the center, the friction between dolomite fractures and mineral grains, as well as parameters such as elastic modulus and peak strength decrease, while Poisson's ratio and peak point strain increase, which accelerates the instability and deformation of dolomite pillar.(4) Numerical simulation of humidity field water vapor corrosion was conducted based on experimental data using particle flow software, and the interaction between micro-crack development characteristics and energy evolution of the model specimens under loading was analyzed.


