基于Aspen Plus的废锅流程粉煤气化炉稳态流程模拟

Steady state simulation of coal gasification with radiant syngas cooler based on Aspen Plus

  • 摘要: 粉煤气流床具有氧耗低、煤耗低、碳转换率高等优点,在工业中应用广泛。废锅流程可有效回收粉煤气化炉产生的粗合成气余热,从长远角度看更为经济环保。基于Aspen Plus建立了废锅流程粉煤气化炉稳态流程模型。在建模过程中,由于粗合成气进入辐射废锅时温度较高,需将辐射废锅内进一步的气化反应考虑在内。依据工程经验数据,将散热损失和碳转化率考虑在模型内,并与工业现场数据对比验证了模型的准确性。基于搭建的模型,研究了氧煤比、蒸汽煤比、碳转换率对气化参数的影响。研究结果表明,合成气有效成分随氧煤比的增加先急速增加后缓慢减少,在氧煤比为0.5时达到峰值。氧煤比低于0.5时,气化温度随着氧煤比的增加缓慢增长;氧煤比在0.5~0.9时,气化温度随氧煤比的增加剧烈增长;氧煤比高于1时,气化温度几乎不随氧煤比的增加而变化。考虑到气化温度不能低于煤种的熔融温度以利于炉内排渣,运行时应控制氧煤比高于0.6。合成气中有效成分(CO+H2)含量随蒸汽煤比的增加几乎呈线性降低,随碳转化率的增加而增加;气化温度随蒸汽比和碳转化率的增加而降低。


    Abstract: Pulverized coal airflow bed has the advantages of low oxygen consumption, low coal consumption and high carbon conversion rate, and is widely used in industry. Radiant syngas cooler can effectively recover the waste heat of syngas produced by pulverized coal gasifier, which is more economical and environmental friendly in the long run. A steady state model of coal gasifier with radiant syngas cooler(RSC) was constructed using Aspen Plus. Since the temperature of RSC is quite high, the further gasification reaction was considered in this model. Moreover, the heat loss and unburned carbon was considered according to the industrial experience data and the simulation is validated as reliable by industrial operation results. Based on the model, the influences of core operation parameters like oxygen-coal ratio, steam-coal ratio and carbon conversion rate were analyzed to provide a theoretical guidance. The study results show that the effective composition of syngas increases rapidly at first and then decreases gradually with the increase of oxygen-coal ratio, and reaches the peak value when the oxygen-coal ratio is 0.5. When the oxygen-coal ratio is lower than 0.5,the gasification temperature increases slightly with the oxygen-coal ratio and when the oxygen-coal ratio is between 0.5 and 1,the gasification temperature increases rapidly with the oxygen-coal ratio. When the oxygen-coal ratio is higher than 1,the gasification temperature almost remains unchanged. Since the gasification temperature should be higher than ash fusion point to facilitate discharging slag in furnace, the oxygen-coal ratio is suggested to be higher than 0.6. The effective composition of the syngas(CO+H2) almost decreases linearly with the increase of steam-coal ratio. The effective composition of the syngas(CO+H2) almost increases linearly with the increase of carbon conversion rate. The gasification temperature decreases linearly with the increase of steam-coal ratio and carbon conversion rate.


