
Effect of n-butylamine modified HZSM-5 on catalytic reforming of lignite pyrolysis volatiles

  • 摘要: 低阶煤的清洁高效利用对缓解我国石油资源紧缺,保障能源安全具有重要意义。热解是低阶煤清洁高效利用的有效方式,能够得到半焦、气体和焦油等产物,为从非石油资源中生产液体燃料和精细化学品提供了一个可替代方式。但煤焦油中含有大量重质组分,严重影响了焦油的后续利用。而催化热解能够有效调控产物分布,并提高热解焦油品质。选取胜利褐煤为原料,采用廉价的正丁胺对HZSM-5(HZ5)分子筛进行改性,并且不经过复杂的NH <mathml id="61"> <mrow><msubsup><mrow /><mn>4</mn><mo>+</mo></msubsup></mrow></math>" role="presentation"> <nobr aria-hidden="true"> +4 </nobr> <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> <mrow> <msubsup> <mrow></mrow> <mn> 4 </mn> <mo> + </mo> </msubsup> </mrow> </math> <script type="math/mml" id="MathJax-Element-1"><math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mrow><msubsup><mrow></mrow><mn>4</mn><mo>+</mo></msubsup></mrow></math></script> </mathml>交换步骤,直接应用于褐煤热解挥发分催化重整制备轻质芳烃的研究中。使用SEM,XRD,FT-IR,BET和NH3-TPD等手段对催化剂进行表征,以得到催化剂的结构特性。结果表明:不同浓度的正丁胺处理后,催化剂的比表面积、介孔体积以及平均孔径均有不同程度的增加,有利于反应物和产物的扩散,催化剂催化性能提高;低浓度正丁胺降低催化剂总酸量,高浓度则相反,酸量不适宜易导致积碳生成。HZ5经过改性后表现出更好的催化性能,生成轻质芳烃的产率排序为10-HZ5>30-HZ5>5-HZ5>20-HZ5>HZ5。其中10-HZ5(10 mL正丁胺处理HZ5)获得了最高的轻质芳烃产率为25.0 mg/g,其催化性能的提高主要原因在于其有最大的比表面积和介孔比表面积以及适宜的酸量。无NH <mathml id="62"> <mrow><msubsup><mrow /><mn>4</mn><mo>+</mo></msubsup></mrow></math>" role="presentation"> <nobr aria-hidden="true"> +4 </nobr> <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> <mrow> <msubsup> <mrow></mrow> <mn> 4 </mn> <mo> + </mo> </msubsup> </mrow> </math> <script type="math/mml" id="MathJax-Element-2"><math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mrow><msubsup><mrow></mrow><mn>4</mn><mo>+</mo></msubsup></mrow></math></script> </mathml>交换碱处理制备多级孔HZ5的孔道结构和酸量分布等特征,对开发应用于褐煤挥发分催化重整制轻质芳烃的高效且廉价的催化剂具有借鉴作用。


    Abstract: The clean and efficient utilization of low-rank coal is of great significance to alleviate the shortage of petroleum resources and ensure energy security for China. Pyrolysis is an effective way of clean and efficient utilization of low-rank coal, which can obtain semi-coke, gas, and tar, providing an alternative way to produce liquid fuels and fine chemicals from non-petroleum resources. However, coal tar contains many heavy components, which seriously affects the subsequent utilization of tar. Catalytic pyrolysis can effectively control the product distribution and improve the quality of pyrolysis tar. Using the Shengli lignite as raw material, the HZSM-5(HZ5) zeolite was modified by desilication with cheap n-butylamine, and it was directly applied to the catalytic reforming of lignite pyrolysis volatiles for light aromatics without complicated NH <mathml id="65"> <mrow><msubsup><mrow /><mn>4</mn><mo>+</mo></msubsup></mrow></math>" role="presentation"> <nobr aria-hidden="true"> +4 </nobr> <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> <mrow> <msubsup> <mrow></mrow> <mn> 4 </mn> <mo> + </mo> </msubsup> </mrow> </math> <script type="math/mml" id="MathJax-Element-3"><math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mrow><msubsup><mrow></mrow><mn>4</mn><mo>+</mo></msubsup></mrow></math></script> </mathml> exchange steps. The catalysts were characterized by SEM,XRD,FT-IR,BET and NH3-TPD to obtain the structural characteristics of the catalysts. The results show that the specific surface area, mesoporous volume, and average pore size of the catalyst are increased according to different concentrations of n-butylamine, which is beneficial to the diffusion of reactants and products, and the catalytic performance of the catalyst is improved. Low concentration of n-butylamine reduces the total acid content of catalyst, but high concentration has the opposite effect, the unsuitable acid sites easily lead to the formation of carbon deposition. The modified HZ5 shows a better catalytic performance, and the yield of light aromatics is ranked as 10-HZ5 > 30-HZ5 > 5-HZ5 >20-HZ5>HZ5. The 10-HZ5(HZ5 was treated with 10 mL n-butylamine and 20 mL deionized water) obtains the highest light aromatics yield of 25.0 mg/g. The main reason for the improvement of its catalytic performance is that it has the largest specific surface area, mesoporous specific surface area and the appropriate amount of acid. The pore structure and acid sites distribution characteristics of hierarchical HZ5 prepared by alkali treatment without NH <mathml id="66"> <mrow><msubsup><mrow /><mn>4</mn><mo>+</mo></msubsup></mrow></math>" role="presentation"> <nobr aria-hidden="true"> +4 </nobr> <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> <mrow> <msubsup> <mrow></mrow> <mn> 4 </mn> <mo> + </mo> </msubsup> </mrow> </math> <script type="math/mml" id="MathJax-Element-4"><math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mrow><msubsup><mrow></mrow><mn>4</mn><mo>+</mo></msubsup></mrow></math></script> </mathml> exchange can be used as reference for the development of efficient and cheap catalyst for the catalytic reforming of lignite volatiles to produce light aromatics.


