
CO2 storage-cavern construction and storage method based on functional backfill

  • 摘要: “30·60双碳”目标是事关人类命运共同体的重大战略决策,也是推进煤炭行业转型升级与高质量发展的风向标。煤炭作为高碳化石能源的提供者,在生产和消费过程中带来的大宗固废堆存、大型采空区形成和高碳排放等问题,是制约煤炭可持续开发利用与绿色健康发展的关键所在。秉持“变害为利”、“从哪来到哪去”原则,寻求资源高效回收、固废规模化处置、采空区再利用与CO2封存的有机结合点,提出基于功能性充填的CO2储库构筑与封存方法学术构想,探索“功能性充填材料制备→功能性充填与CO2封存储库构筑→CO2物理与化学协同封存→CO2封存安全及环境风险评价”的CO2封存新途径。具体开展工作包括:(1)创新了镁渣源头改性技术,研发了新型改性镁渣基矿用胶凝材料和CO2封存用功能性充填材料;(2)提出了短-长壁充填无煤柱开采方法,初步构筑满足稳定性要求的CO2封存空间,结合功能性充填理论与技术,进一步构筑满足密封性要求的CO2封存储库,阐述了储库的结构及参数、工作原理;(3)提出了CO2储库封存物理-化学协同技术途径,根据开采深度不同物理封存技术途径分为浅-中深部低压CO2储库封存和深部超临界CO2储层封存,揭示了碱性固废CO2化学封存机制;(4)梳理了功能性充填的CO2封存安全及环境风险评价指标体系,给出了CO2封存安全性能及环境性能的评价方法。矿山功能性充填的CO2封存技术的提出,为CO2封存提供了新思路。基于封存材料、封存储库、封存机理与封存评价,形成了利用固废充填技术实现矿山CO2封存的理论与技术构想。


    Abstract: The target of emission peak and carbon neutrality is not only a major strategic decision influencing a community with a shared future for mankind, but also a bellwether to promote the transformation and upgrading of the coal industry for high-quality development. As a provider of high-carbon fossil energy, the problems, such as bulk solid waste storage, formation of large goaf and high carbon emission caused by coal production and consumption, are the key issues to restrict the sustainable exploitation and utilization of coal, and the green and healthy development of coal industry. Based on the principle of "turning harm into benefit" and “arriving where it comes from”, the concept of CO2 storage-cavern construction and storage based on functional backfill was proposed to seek the organic combination of efficient resource recovery, large-scale solid waste disposal, goaf reuse and the CO2 storage. Anovel approach of CO2 sequestration was explored, which includesfunctional backfill materials preparation, functional cemented paste backfill(CPB) and construction of CO2 storage-cavern, physical-chemistry CO2storage, CO2 storage safety and environmental risk assessment. The specific work included the following four aspects.(1) The modification technology of magnesium slag was innovated, and the new modified magnesium slag based mineral cementing materials and functional CPB materials for CO2 storage had been developed.(2) The short-and long-wall CPB pillarless mining method was put forward to preliminarily build the CO2 storage space which meets the stability requirements. The CO2 storage-cavern which meets the airtightness requirement was further constructed based on functional backfill. In addition, the structure, parameters and working model of the CO2 storage-cavern were discussed.(3) The physical-chemical approach of CO2 storage was proposed. The physical storage can be divided into shallow to middle deep low-pressure CO2 storage, and deep supercritical CO2 storage according to different mining depths. The chemical mechanism of CO2 storage based alkaline solid waste was revealed.(4) The evaluation index system of functional filling CO2 storage was sorted out, and the evaluation method of safety and environmental performance of CO2 storage was given. The proposal of CO2 storge technology with functional backfill provides a new idea for the CO2 sequestration. Based on sequestration materials, filling storage, storage mechanism and evaluation, a theoretical and technical concept of using solid waste filling technology to realize the CO2 storage in mines has been developed.


