
Pore network structure characterization based on gas occurrence and migration in coal

  • 摘要: 煤层微观孔隙结构对瓦斯储运特性具有关键控制作用,厘清煤的复杂孔隙网络结构表征对 瓦斯高效抽采及灾害防治具有重要意义。 通过流体侵入法、光电辐射与数字岩心技术,分别从孔隙 多级性、网络特性、连通性、自相似性等开展对煤中孔隙网络结构特征的形态学、拓扑学和几何学新 表征。 结果表明:首先,随着孔隙尺度降低,多级孔隙形态由不规则外生孔转变为圆形矿物质孔或 气孔,且不同阶段孔径分布大致呈递减趋势,其中微孔空间占主导地位,孔容和比表面积分别占 56% ~ 85%和 92% ~ 98%;不同煤样多尺度孔隙的三维重构体现出多级性和相似性,具有微纳米网 络骨架特征且局部伴有纳米孔隙群,分别构成了储层气体运移微通道和主要赋存场所。 其次,根据 流体侵入法间接反映了孔隙网络连通性,运用分形维数论证了多级孔隙存在分段特征,且拟合系数 高于 0.9;利用数字岩心技术构建了具有拓扑等价的孔隙网络模型及其配位数,并基于泰勒多边形 的煤体微观分形结构阐释多级孔隙间以串联为主的结构配置关系,证明了煤样作为分形几何体的 可能性。 最后,论证了绝大多数瓦斯分子是以吸附态附着在“填充孔-扩散孔-渗流孔”多级结构 上,且微孔填充是煤中瓦斯主要赋存方式,其甲烷吸附量占比大都高于 90%;填充孔(<1.5 nm)充 当煤中瓦斯分子“储藏罐”,扩散孔(1.5~100 nm)充当串联填充空间与渗流通道的“桥梁”,而渗流 孔(>100 nm)充当与外界连通的“门户”,在此理解上构建了基于瓦斯赋存和运移方式的孔隙网络 特征的表征模型。


    Abstract: Microscopic pore structure of coal seam plays a key role in controlling the characteristics of gas storage and transportation, and the research on the complex pore network microstructure of coal is crucially significant for efficient gas extraction and disaster prevention. From the aspects of pore multiscale, network property, connectivity and selfsimilarity, the fluid intrusion method, photoelectric radiation and digital core techniques are adopted to characterize the morphology, topology, and geometry of pore network structure in coal. The results indicate that the morphology of multiscale pores transforms from irregular exogenous pores to round mineral pores with the pore scale decreases, while the pore size distribution shows a decreasing trend with the micropores dominating pore volume and specific surface area of 56%-85% and 92%-98%, respectively. A 3D reconstruction of multiscale pores in coal reflects the multistage feature and similarity with major micro/nano network framework and local nanopore groups, constituting the gas migration microchannels and main occurrence sites, respectively. Then, pore network connectivity is indirectly reflected via fluid intrusion method, and fractal dimension is demonstrated for the segmented feature of multiscale pores, with fitting coefficient higher than 0.9. Pore network model with topological equivalence and its coordination number are constructed by digital core technology. Based on Taylor polygon microstructure of coal, the structural configuration relationship between multiscale pores mainly in series is explained, and also the possibility of coal sample as fractal geometry is proved. Finally, it is proved that most gas molecules are adsorbed on the multiscale structure of“filling, diffusion and seepage pores”, while micropore filling is the main way of gas storage in coal with adsorption ratio roughly higher than 90%. The filling pores (<1.5 nm) act as “storage tank” of gas molecules in coal, the diffusion pores (1.5-100 nm) serve as “bridge” between the filling space and seepage channels in series, and the seepage pores (>100 nm) act as “gateway” connecting with the outside.


