高温富水环境下裂隙岩体注浆试验装置研制及 浆液扩散规律

Development of grouting test device for fractured rock and analysis of slurry diffusion law under high temperature water rich conditions

  • 摘要: 为研究隧道工程高温裂隙岩体注浆浆液的扩散规律,以大瑞铁路高黎贡山隧道破碎围岩为研究对象,研制了一套高温富水环境下破碎岩体注浆的试验装置。 以粒径2 ~ 5 mm 的堆积岩块模 拟破碎地层,通过对试验装置施加反向作用力实现模拟地层压缩变形,使各组试验的地层孔隙率误差 控制在0.5%以内。 运用均匀设计法构建开展了多组裂隙注浆试验,分析了地层温度、单位时间流量、 水灰比等因素对浆液扩散规律的敏感性,系统讨论了地层温度作用下,随单位时间注浆流量变化浆液结石体形状的变化规律。 研究结果表明:研制的试验装置可满足高温富水环境下裂隙岩体的注浆试 验,模拟破碎地层压缩变形量和孔隙率的试验值与理论值的误差均小于 0.1%,能够实现高温水的循 环与恒温作用时间控制,验证了模型的合理性。 发现地层温度、水灰比和注浆流量对扩散范围的影响 并非线性关系,而是多元幂函数关系,构建了对应的浆液扩散范围求解式,并对影响浆液扩散范围的 参数进行单因素和多因素分析。 本试验条件影响浆液扩散范围的主要因素是单位时间流量,地层温 度最小,水灰比居中,且水灰比和地层温度对浆液扩散范围的影响差距不大。 浆液的扩散形式以充填 压密为主,随单位时间流量从小到大变化,结石体形状从饼状逐渐过渡到锥形体,再到类似圆球车阻石的形状,随流量的增大球体直径的增幅大于饼状结构直径,最后,近似呈完整球形结构。


    Abstract: To study the diffusion law of the slurry into the fractured rock mass in the tunnelling engineering under the hightemperature waterrich conditions,a set of grouting test device for the fractured rock mass under hightemperature waterrich conditions was developed with the fractured surrounding rock of Gaoligongshan Tunnel as the research object. Rock blocks with particle size 2-5 mm were used to simulate the structure of broken strata,and the simulated strata were compressed by applying the reverse force to the test device,so that the formation porosity error of each group was controlled within 0.5%. Multiple sets of fracture grouting tests were conducted using the uniform design method,and the sensitivity of geotemperature,unit time flow rate,watercement ratio and other factors on the slurry diffusion were analyzed. The characteristics of slurry body shape with the increase of slurry flow rate under the effect of temperature were discussed. Results show that the developed test device can meet the grouting test requirements of the fractured rock under hightemperature waterrich conditions,and the error values on average between test and theoretical values of compression deformation and porosity of the simulated broken strata structure are less than 0.1%. The device can control the hightemperature water and hightemperature action time,which verifies the rationality of the device. The influence of temperature,watercement ratio and grouting flow rate on the slurry diffusion range is not linear but a multivariate power function relationship based on the experimental data. The corresponding formula of the slurry diffusion range is constructed,and the singlefactor and multifactor of parameters influencing the slurry diffusion range are analyzed based on the solution formula. Under these test cases,the main factors affecting the slurry diffusion range is the unit time flow rate,the temperature is the smallest,and the watercement ratio is in the middle. The effect degree of the later two factors on the slurry diffusion range is not significant. The diffusion form of slurry is mainly filled and compacted with the change of the flow rate per unit time from small to large. The shape of the stoned body gradually transitions from a cake to a conical body,and then to a shape similar to that of a spherical car blocking stone. With the flow rate increase,the increase in the diameter of the sphere is greater than the diameter of the cake structure,and finally the shape approximates to a complete spherical structure.


