煤的显微组分定义与分类(ICCP system 1994)解析I:镜质体

An in depth interpretation of definition and classification of macerals in coal (ICCP system 1994) for Chinese researchers,I:Vitrinite

  • 摘要: 煤的显微组分定义与分类的国际标准“ICCP system 1994”是国际煤和有机岩石学委员会(ICCP)历经26 a(1991-2017)完成,按照显微组分组和发表的时间,该标准共分4个部分,分别是镜质体(1998)、惰质体(2001)、腐质体(2005)和类脂体(2017)。“ICCP system 1994”目前已被国际上从事煤岩学和有机岩石学研究的科研工作者广泛采用。国际煤和有机岩石学委员会在1994年第46届ICCP年会上确定了镜质体显微组分组、亚组和显微组分的定义和分类,并于1998年发表,它是“ICCP system 1994”重要的组成部分。在“ICCP system 1994”镜质体分类方案中,镜质体显微组分组被划分为3个亚组,结构镜质体亚组、碎屑镜质体亚组和凝胶镜质体亚组,它们分别进一步被划分为2个显微组分。其中,划分亚组的主要依据是植物组织的破环(降解)程度,显微组分之间的区分主要依据是凝胶化程度和(或)形貌特征。该分类体系与ICCP腐植体分类体系紧密关联。基于“ICCP system 1994”,对镜质体各亚组和各显微组分的定义、光学特征、物理和化学特征、来源以及实际应用等方面进行了解析,对“ICCP system 1994”中镜质体显微组分分类提出了尽可能规范的中文名称。中华人民共和国国家标准《烟煤显微组分分类》(GB/T 15588—2013)和“ICCP system 1994”相比,前者采用了显微组分组、显微组分和显微亚组分的分类方案,将均质镜质体(Telocollinite;即本文中的胶质结构体Collotelinite)和基质镜质体(Desmocollinite;即本文中的胶质碎屑体Collodetrinite)划入无结构的显微亚组分。


    Abstract: The international standard of the definition and classification of macerals in coal (i.e.,ICCP system 1994) has been fulfilled after 26 years (1991—2017).In terms of maceral groups and publication time,this standard has four parts,i.e.,vitrinite (1998),inertinite (2001),huminite (2005),and liptinite (2017).“ICCP system 1994” has now been widely adopted by international researchers of coal petrology and organic petrology.ICCP determined the definition and classification of vitrinite maceral groups,subgroups,and macerals in 1994 over the 46th ICCP annual meeting,which are important components of “ICCP system 1994”.In this classification system,the vitrinite group is classified into three maceral subgroups,namely telovitrinite,detrovitrinite,and gelovitrinite,each of which is further classified into two macerals.Maceral subgroups are defined by degree of destruction and macerals are defined by morphology and/or degree of gelification.The classification of vitrinite is closely related to that of huminite in “ICCP system 1994”.In this paper,the authors perform an in depth interpretation of the maceral subgroups and macerals of vitrinite to Chinese readers,including their definition,optical characteristics,physical and chemical properties,derivation,occurrence,and practical importance.The authors also tried their best to translate subgroups and macerals of vitrnite into correct Chinese in order to avoid any possible confusions for Chinese readers.In comparison with “ICCP system 1994”,the Chinese National Standard “Classification of Macerals in Bibuminous Coal” classifies the organic components into maceral groups,macerals,and submacerals,and classifies telocollinite (i.e.,collotelinite in the new classification system) and desmocollinite (i.e.,collodetrinitein the new classification system) into submacerals without structures.


