
An experimental study on the improvement of coal and gangue identification efficiency by liquid intervention

  • 摘要: 煤矸智能识别是深部资源实现无人智能化开采的基础技术之一。 提出了采用液体介入+红外检测提升煤矸识别效率的新思路。 进行了不同液体介入煤矸识别试验,从红外图像特征、煤矸 温度变化以及煤-矸间温差变化的角度详细分析了液体介入对煤矸红外图像差异增大的影响,并 从宏观反应-微观结构相结合的角度揭示了液体介入提升煤矸识别效率的机理。 研究结果表明:液体介入后煤矸试样表面产生了不同程度的温降现象,有效增大了煤、矸石在红外图像上的差异,可显著提升煤矸识别效率;不同液体的介入效果不同,稀盐酸、氢氧化钠碱液、清水与自然状态试样 相比,煤矸温差增大的程度为:清水>氢氧化钠碱液>稀盐酸>自然状态试样,其中清水介入3 s后煤 矸间温度差异可达 1.5 °C ,试验全过程中温度差异最大可达 2.7 °C ,说明清水介入可在短时间内显 著提升煤矸识别效率,是一种有潜力的候选液体;煤矸混合试样识别试验表明清水介入对煤矸混合 试样也有较好的区分效果;液体介入后煤矸产生的显著温降现象是由液体挥发作用与缓慢化学反 应共同作用的结果,其中挥发作用占主导作用,酒精介入试验结果佐证了这一点。 煤、矸石表面微 观结构的差异导致煤样表面产生的液滴聚集现象,是液体介入引发煤矸温差增大的内在原因。


    Abstract: Coal / gangue intelligent recognition is one of the basic technologies for the realization of unmanned intelli⁃ gent mining of deep resources. This paper proposes a new way to improve the efficiency of coal / gangue recognition by using liquid intervention and infrared detection. The experiments on different liquid intervention coal / gangue recogni⁃ tion were conducted. The expansion effect of liquid intervention on the difference of infrared image of coal / gangue was analyzed from the infrared image characteristics,temperature changes of coal / gangue,and temperature difference be⁃ tween coal and gangue. The mechanism of liquid intervention to improve the efficiency of coal / gangue recognition is revealed from the view of macro⁃reaction and micro⁃structure. The research results show that the surface of the coal/gangue sample has different extent of temperature drop after liquid intervention,which effectively expands the difference between coal and gangue in infrared images,and can significantly improve the efficiency of coal / gangue recognition. Different liquids have different intervention effects. Compared with the air controlled group in hydrochloric acid,sodium hydroxide lye,and water,the degree of temperature difference of coal/gangue is enlarged as follows: water>sodium hydroxide lye>dilute hydrochloric acid>air. The temperature difference between gangues can reach 1.5 °C after the intervention of water for 3 s,the maximum temperature difference in the whole process of the test can reach 2.7 °C ,indicating that the intervention of clean water can significantly improve the efficiency of coal / gangue rec⁃ ognition in a short time,and it is a potential candidate liquid. The identification test of coal/gangue mixed samples shows that the intervention of water on coal and gangue mixed sample also has a better distinguishing effect. The sig⁃ nificant temperature drop caused by the coal / gangue after liquid intervention is the result of the combined effect of liq⁃ uid volatilization and slow chemical reaction,of which volatilization is the dominant effect. The alcohol intervention test results confirm this too. The difference in the surface microstructure of coal and gangue leads to the accumulation of droplets on the surface of coal samples,which is the internal reason for the expansion of the temperature difference between coal and gangue caused by liquid intervention.


