
Current status and trend of research on visual pose detection and control of heading equipment in coal mines

  • 摘要: 针对我国煤矿掘进工作面智能化程度不足的问题,掘进装备位姿检测与控制技术是提高智 能化程度和降低煤矿事故率的关键,而视觉测量技术是煤矿中实现信息感知及状态检测的重要手 段,基于视觉测量技术进行掘进装备位姿检测与控制已成为研究热点。 首先,基于掘进装备视觉位 姿检测与控制技术实现流程,介绍了视觉位姿检测与控制的关键技术,主要包括图像采集、图像预 处理、特征提取与位姿解算、位姿测量误差分析与补偿技术、定向导航技术和定形截割控制技术。 以悬臂式掘进机为例,研究了掘进装备视觉位姿检测与控制技术的应用现状,主要包括悬臂式掘进 机机身位姿检测、截割头位姿检测和智能控制技术等,指出现有视觉位姿检测方法差异及不足,分 析了定向导航控制技术和自动定形截割控制技术发展情况及存在问题。 指出煤矿掘进工作面高粉 尘、低照度、强振动、电磁干扰等恶劣环境,导致掘进装备视觉位姿检测与控制技术主要存在图像采 集系统稳定性有待提高、特征提取不稳定、视觉检测模型多样、标靶安装耗时且不能随地形变化调 整、检测精度尚待提高和远程测控智能化程度不足等技术难题。 针对视觉位姿检测与控制技术难 题,提出了应从优化视觉检测方案、提升图像采集硬件、改进特征提取算法、研发复杂地形下的位姿 检测技术和数字孪生驱动远程监控技术等突破性思路。


    Abstract: The deployment of pose detection and control technology in heading equipment are critical elements to im⁃ prove intelligence application in coal mining process,which would further reduce coal mining accident rate effectively. Both visual pose detection and control technology require information perception and status check implementation in practical application,which could be achieved by visual measurement technology,a popular research topic in recent years.When factoring visual pose detection and control features in heading equipment application,some key techniques include but not limited to image acquisition, image preprocessing, feature extraction, pose calculation, pose measurement error analysis,compensation technology,visual servo control,directional navigation technology and shape cutting control technology.Specifically,taking boom⁃type roadheader as an example,the application of visual pose detection is studied, which mainly include boom⁃type roadheader body pose detection and cutting head of boom⁃type roadheader pose detection.The study analyzes discrepancies and deficiencies issues within the existing visual pose detection methods and potential problems in the development of directional navigation control technology and the automatic shape cutting control technology.The study specifically points out that high dust,low intensity of illu⁃ mination,strong vibration,and serious electromagnetic interference environment are the triggering points causing tech⁃ nical problems on the pose detection and control of heading equipment in coal heading process.These triggering points would further cause low detection accuracy rate,unstable feature extraction results,diversity in visual detection,ineffi⁃ ciency in target installation with terrain changing unadjusted,and insufficiency in remote measurement and control in⁃ telligence application.Lastly,regarding these difficult technical problems of visual pose detection and control,the study provides some breakthrough ideas including optimizing vision detection scheme,improving feature extraction algorithm, upgrading image acquisition hardware,and bringing insights on improving pose detection technology under complex ter⁃ rain and digital twin drive remote monitoring technology.With the improvement of accuracy,real⁃time,stability,and ro⁃ bustness of the visual detection system to obtain better coal mine information,the intelligent perception is realized and the intelligent degree of coal mine is improved.


