
Technology and engineering development strategy of water protection and utilization of coal mine in China

  • 摘要: 我国煤炭开采对地下水资源的破坏是实现煤炭绿色开发和矿区生态文明建设需要解决的重大关键问题。通过调研咨询、统计分析、专家咨询等方式,系统分析了我国煤矿矿井水保护利用现状,提出了我国煤矿矿井水保护利用发展战略和工程科技。研究表明:目前我国吨煤开采产生矿井水为1.87m3,每年产生煤矿矿井水约6.88×109m3,煤矿矿井水平均利用率约为35%;根据煤炭产量发展趋势研究预测,2035年前我国煤矿矿井水每年可以稳定在6.0×109m3以上,煤矿矿井水将是我国长期稳定的非常规水资源,实现矿井水高效利用具有重大的经济社会效益。基于上述研究,提出了到2025年、2030年、2035年,我国煤矿矿井水利用率分别达到55%、70%、80%的总体目标;通过总结分析我国煤矿矿井水保护技术、矿井水处理与利用技术发展历程与趋势,提出了“2+5+5+3”的我国煤矿矿井水保护利用工程科技:即掌握“煤层开采覆岩裂隙带发育规律与地下水运移机制”、“矿井水水-岩耦合化学作用机理”等2项基础理论;突破“地下水赋存精准探测技术”、“煤矿地下水库群建设与运行技术”、“充填开采技术材料与装备”、“高矿化度矿井水大规模低成本处理技术”、“含特殊组分矿井水精准处理技术”等5项关键技术;建立“蒙陕接壤区煤矿地下水库技术示范区”、“宁东、哈密高矿化度矿井水处理利用示范区”、“蒙东草原区矿井水保护利用示范区”、“华北平原区充填开采水资源保护示范区”、“两淮矿区废弃矿井水资源利用示范区”等5个矿井水保护利用示范区;到2035年实现“煤矿地下水库储水规模达到5.0×108m3”、“充填开采技术成本下降50%”、“高矿化度矿井水零排放成本下降50%”等三大技术目标。同时对矿井水高效利用提出了政策建议和保障措施。


    Abstract: The destruction of groundwater resource caused by coal mining is a key problem to be solved in order to realize the green development of coal industry and the establishment of ecological civilization in the mining areas of China. This paper studies the current protection and utilizationsituation of groundwater in coal mines by means of investigation, statistical analysis and expert consultation, and puts forward the development strategy and engineering technologies for the protection and utilization of groundwater in coal mines. The results show that the average water yield coefficient with mining is 1.87 m3/t, and the production of groundwater in coal mines is about 6.88×109 m3 every year.However, the average utilization rate is only about 35%.According to the prediction of the development trend of coal production, the production of groundwater in coal mines can be stable at 6.0×109 m3 every year before 2035, and it will be a long term stable unconventional water resource in China, and has great economic and social benefits to realize the efficient utilization of the groundwater in coal mines. The paper puts forward the overall goal that by 2025, 2030 and 2035, the utilization rate of groundwater in coal mines will reach 55%, 70% and 80% respectively. Also, the paper analyzes the development history and trend of the technologiesfor protecting and utilizing groundwater, and puts forward the development model of engineering technologies,which is“2+5+5+3”.That is to master two basic theories of “the development law of overburden fracture zone and groundwater migration mechanism with mining” and “the chemical coupling mechanism of groundwater and rock”, achieve a breakthrough in five key technologies, such as “the precise detection technology of groundwater occurrence”,“the construction and operation technology of underground reservoir group in coal mines”,“the filling technology, materials and equipment of mining”,“the large scale and low cost treatment technology for high salinity groundwater in coal mines”, and “the precise treatment technology of groundwater containing special components”,establish five demonstration areas, including “the technical demonstration area of underground reservoir of coal mines in the border area of eastern Inner Mongolia and Shaanxi”,“the high salinity mine water treatment and utilization demonstration area in eastern Ningxia and Hami city of Xinjiang Province”,“the demonstration area of technology to protect and utilize groundwater in eastern grassland of Neimenggu”,“the water resources protection demonstration area through filling with mining in north China plain”, and “the water resources of abandoned mines utilization demonstration area in Huainan and Huaibei”. With the application of technologies and measures above, three major technical goals will be achieved by 2035 including the water storage scale of underground reservoir in coal mine will reach 5.0×108 m3, the filling with mining technology cost will be reduced by 50%,and the zero emission of high salinity groundwater cost will be reduced by 50%. The paper also puts forward policy suggestions and measures for the efficient utilization of groundwater produced by mining.


