
Hierarchical characterization joint surface roughness coefficient of rock joint based on wavelet transform

  • 摘要: 岩石节理面粗糙度的准确量化表征一直是节理岩体力学领域关注的热点问题。 节理面表 面形貌是多尺度的,且一阶、二阶起伏体对节理面粗糙度的形貌贡献存在差异,如何在考虑节理面 多尺度特征的前提下实现粗糙程度的准确表征有待深入研究。 基于小波变换理论,提出了用于小 波基优选的能-熵比准则,结合基于能量保持百分比及信号标准差定义的临界分解水平准则,形成 了节理面形貌分解理论。 然后,以节理面形貌分解理论为基础,以 10 条标准节理面粗糙度系 数(JRC)曲线为对象,实现了标准曲线中一阶、二阶起伏体的准确分离。 对一阶、二阶起伏体的统 计参数(一阶导数均方根 Z2、节理面粗糙度指数 Rp -1)进行了计算,分析了一阶、二阶起伏体统计 参数之间的差异,揭示了标准曲线的统计参数随粗糙度增加而出现局部凸起现象的原因,建立了节 理面粗糙度的分级表征公式。 最后,开展节理面剪切试验对粗糙度分级表征公式的可靠性进行验 证。 研究结果表明:1 基于小波基优选准则确立的最优小波基 coif5 可实现节理面表面形貌的小 波变换处理;2 基于临界分解水平判别准则确立的第 4 分解水平适用于一阶、二阶起伏体的识别; 3 节理面中一阶、二阶起伏体的统计参数存在差异,二阶起伏体的统计参数普遍大于一阶起伏体 的统计参数,揭示了标准曲线的统计参数随粗糙程度的增加而出现局部凸起的主要原因是未考虑 一阶、二阶起伏体的形貌贡献差异;4 基于粗糙度分级表征公式得出的节理面粗糙度系数与节理 试样剪切试验结果的反算值吻合,且准确度比未分级的表征公式要好,表明粗糙度分级表征公式是 合理的。


    Abstract: How to quantize the characterization of joint roughness accurately has always been an issue in the field of joint rock mechanics. Joint surface morphology is multiscale,and the contribution of waviness and unevenness to the joint surface roughness is different. Under the premise of considering the multiscale characteristics of the joint surface,how to realize the accurate characterization of the joint surface roughness needs further research. The waveletbased optimization criterion was proposed based on the energyentropy ratio. The critical decomposition level criterion was defined based on the energy retention percentage and the signal standard deviation. Combined with wavelet transform theory,the theory of joint surface morphology decomposition was developed. Based on the decomposition theory,ten standard JRC profiles was taken as objects to realize the accurate decomposition of the joint surface morphology. The statistical parameters of the waviness and unevenness (firstorder derivative root mean square Z 2,joint surface roughness index R p-1) were calculated,and the differences between them were analyzed,revealing the reason why the statistical parameters appear to be locally convex with the increase in roughness. Then,a hierarchy characterization formula was established based on the statistical parameters. Finally,the formula was verified by the shear test of the joint specimen. The results are as follows:① The optimal wavelet basis coif5 determined based on the wavelet base optimization criterion can be used for the wavelet transform of joint surface morphology. ② The fourth decomposition level determined based on the critical decomposition level criterion is suitable for the identification of waviness and unevenness. ③ The statistical parameters of the waviness and unevenness are different,and the statistical parameters of the unevenness are larger than those of the waviness. The phenomenon that the statistical parameters appear to be locally convex with the increase in roughness when the statistical parameters are used to characterize the undecomposed standard roughness profile is due to the fact that the difference in the morphological contribution of the waviness and unevenness is not considered. ④ The result calculated by the hierarchy characterization formula is consistent with the inverse value calculated by the shear test,and the accuracy is better than the calculation result of the unhierarchy characterization formula,which indicate that the hierarchy characterization formula is reliable. This research provides a new way for the decomposition of the joint surface morphology.


