
Effect of alkyl glycoside on coal structure modification and methane desorption characteristics

  • 摘要: 煤层注水是减缓瓦斯解吸速率、降低煤体采动后瓦斯快速解吸涌出的有效方法之一,添加表面活性剂可改变煤体化学结构并增强瓦斯解吸抑制效应。选用典型高瓦斯矿井煤样,配制了不同质量分数烷基糖苷(APG0810)表面活性剂,利用红外光谱仪(FTIR)、顺磁共振波谱仪(EPR)及微电泳仪等,研究了烷基糖苷活性剂对煤体改性前后官能团、自由基及Zeta电位等影响规律,采用接触角测定试验台分析了烷基糖苷表面活性剂对煤体接触角的影响,利用自主研发的外侵溶液抑制甲烷解吸动态试验系统,研究煤样在干燥、注水和注烷基糖苷表面活性剂等条件下甲烷解吸规律。试验结果表明:煤体含氧官能团总量与APG0810质量分数呈指数函数关系,煤样Zeta电位与APG0810质量分数呈负指数函数关系;自由基相对含量(Ng)随APG0810质量分数先增大后趋于平缓,样品中不成对电子摩尔浓度增加4.18倍;煤体接触角与APG0810质量分数呈负指数函数关系,接触角由79.15°降至25.63°,降幅为67.62%;甲烷最大解吸量、解吸速率与APG0810质量分数均呈负指数关系,甲烷解吸量最大降幅为31.59%,最大解吸速率降幅为78.23%;煤体接触角、甲烷最大解吸量、解吸速率与含氧官能团总面积、自由基相对含量呈负相关关系,与Zeta电位呈正相关关系;烷基糖苷活性剂与煤体接触发生物理化学反应,使煤体表面含氧官能团、氢键等增多,煤体表面负电性增加,自由基相对含量增大,接触角减小,改善了煤体润湿特性,从而减缓甲烷解吸速率,以期为预防甲烷超限或煤与瓦斯突出等灾害事故提供依据。


    Abstract: Coal seam water injection is one of the effective methods to slow down the gas desorption rate and reduce the over-limit gas concentration in the working face. The addition of surfactants can change the chemical structure of coal and enhance the gas desorption inhibition effect. Coal samples from typical high gassy coal mines are used,and the alkyl glycoside surfactant with different mass fractions are prepared. The effects of alkyl glycoside surfactant on functional groups,free radicals and Zeta potential before and after coal modification were studied by means of infrared spectrometer(IFTR),EPR spectrometer (EPR)and microelectrophoresis apparatus. The impact of alkyl glycoside surfactants on the contact angle of coal was analyzed by using the contact angle measurement. The gas desorption law of coal samples under the conditions of drying,water injection and the injection of alkyl glycoside surfactant was studied by using the self developed dynamic experimental system of post solution inhibition of gas desorption. The experimental results show that:the total content of oxygen containing functional groups in coal shows an exponential function relationship with the mass fraction of APG0810. The Zeta potential of coal sample is a negatively exponential function with the mass fraction of APG0810. The concentration of free radical (Ng) increases with the mass fraction of APG0810 first and then flattens out,and the concentration of unpaired electrons increases 4.18 times. The relationship between coal contact angle and APG0810 mass fraction is negative exponential function,and the contact angle decreases from 79.15° to 25.63°,decreasing by 67.62%. The maximum gas desorption capacity and desorption rate of APG0810 showed a negative exponential relationship with the mass fraction of APG0810. The maximum gas desorption capacity and the maximum desorption rate decreased by 31.59% and 78.23% respectively. The coal contact angle,maximum gas desorption capacity and gas desorption rate are negatively correlated with the total area of oxygen containing functional groups and free radical concentration,and positively correlated with Zeta potential. The physical chemical reaction between APG0810 and coal contact increases the oxygen containing functional groups and hydrogen bonds on the coal surface,and the negative electrical properties of the coal surface,and the concentration of free radicals,decreases the contact angle,and improves the wetting characteristics of the coal.Thus,it slows down the rate of gas desorption,with a view to providing some basis for the prevention of disaster accidents such as gas overrun or coal and gas protrusion.


