柴敬, 袁强, 王帅, 张丁丁, 蒋旭升, 刘峰, 孙鹏, 张万彤. 白垩系含水地层立井突水淹井治理技术[J]. 煤炭学报, 2016, (2). DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2015.0958
引用本文: 柴敬, 袁强, 王帅, 张丁丁, 蒋旭升, 刘峰, 孙鹏, 张万彤. 白垩系含水地层立井突水淹井治理技术[J]. 煤炭学报, 2016, (2). DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2015.0958
CHAI Jing, YUAN Qiang, WANG Shuai, ZHANG Ding-ding, JIANG Xu-sheng, LIU Feng, SUN Peng, ZHANG Wan-tong. Water inrush control and restoration of shaft construction in cretaceous aquifer[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2016, (2). DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2015.0958
Citation: CHAI Jing, YUAN Qiang, WANG Shuai, ZHANG Ding-ding, JIANG Xu-sheng, LIU Feng, SUN Peng, ZHANG Wan-tong. Water inrush control and restoration of shaft construction in cretaceous aquifer[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2016, (2). DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2015.0958


Water inrush control and restoration of shaft construction in cretaceous aquifer

  • 摘要: 结合五举煤矿主立井在穿过白垩系含水地层时遭遇的突水淹井事故,分析了事故特点并确立治理方案,提出了西部富水地层立井普通法施工突水淹井事故的综合治理技术。以静水位施工水下混凝土止水垫截水为先导工作,实施控制性排水协同壁后注浆封水,最后进行工作面渐进式高压深孔预注浆堵水。介绍了水下混凝土止水垫的参数设计、特制底卸式吊桶和水下自流平特制混凝土配比、水下止水垫浇筑与养护工艺、止浆垫联合加固及渐进式深孔预注浆等技术。成功解决145.68 m水下360.97 m3/h的涌水井筒淹井事故,为西部地区立井普通法施工及其防治水工作积累了实践经验。


    Abstract: A water inrush accident,which caused shaft flooding,broke out in Wuju coal mine,China when its main ver- tical shaft was getting through the cretaceous water rich aquifer. The accident characteristics were analyzed and a com- prehensive governance techniques of vertical shaft water inrush control of normal construction in western water-rich aq- uifer was proposed. The techniques ensured the water inrush stopping first by constructing a concrete waterproof pad under a static water level,then carried out a restoration operation of controlled water draining combining with backfill grouting which can maintain the stability of waterproof pad and the shaft side wall,and lastly gradually conducted high pressure deep hole grouting on shaft work face. The design parameters of waterproof pad under water,the proportion of special concrete,and the special hopper bucket design were introduced,and the construction and combinational rein- force technique of waterproof pad and concrete grouting pad were proposed. The comprehensive techniques were ap- plied in the water inrush disaster which caused a flooding level at 145. 68 m and water inflow of 360. 97 m3 / h. The practical experience was accumulated for the normal construction of vertical shaft and water controlling in western cre- taceous water-rich aquifer.


