包含, 伍法权, 郗鹏程. 岩石Ⅰ型断裂韧度估算及其影响因素分析[J]. 煤炭学报, 2017, (3). DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2016.0228
引用本文: 包含, 伍法权, 郗鹏程. 岩石Ⅰ型断裂韧度估算及其影响因素分析[J]. 煤炭学报, 2017, (3). DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2016.0228
BAO Han, WU Fa-quan, XI Peng-cheng. Estimation of mode I fracture toughness of rock and its impact factors analysis[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2017, (3). DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2016.0228
Citation: BAO Han, WU Fa-quan, XI Peng-cheng. Estimation of mode I fracture toughness of rock and its impact factors analysis[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2017, (3). DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2016.0228


Estimation of mode I fracture toughness of rock and its impact factors analysis

  • 摘要: 岩石的I型断裂韧度KIC与抗压强度σc之间存在相关性,可根据二者之间的经验关系通过σc估算岩石的KIC值,但其估算结果会因测试方法和岩性的不同而有所差异。为了获得更合理准确的岩石KIC估算值,在试验数据统计回归的基础上,建立了不同KIC测试方法和岩性条件下的KIC与σc经验关系,并分析了其差异和适用性。结果表明,4种KIC推荐测试方法均可获得良好的KIC与σc线性关系,但差异明显,建议使用"V"形切槽巴西圆盘(CCNBD)方法所得经验关系估算岩石的KIC值;结果还表明,利用经验关系估算KIC值的方法更适用于均质各向同性岩石。需要说明的是,估算方法并不能代替实验室测试,并且通过实验室测试建立经验关系是间接获取KIC值的必要前提。


    Abstract: The relationship between mode I fracture toughness KIC and compressive strength σc of rock makes it possi- ble to estimate KIC values from σc based on empirical relationship between KIC and σc . However,the estimates are in- fluenced by the KIC test methods and lithology. In order to obtain more reasonable and accurate KIC values of rock,the authors established empirical relationships between KIC and σc under different KIC test methods and lithology based on the statistical regression of test data collected from literature,and then the authors analyzed their differences and appli- cability. Results indicated that the empirical relationships between KIC and σc obtained from the four different sugges- ted KIC test methods were all in good but obviously different linear relationship,in which the relationship obtained from cracked chevron notch Brazilian disc ( CCNBD) specimens was proposed to estimate the KIC values of rock. Mean- while,the results also showed that it was more applicable for homogeneous and isotropic rocks to estimate KIC values from empirical relationships. It should be pointed out that the estimates obtained from empirical relationships can never replace the lab tests,and the empirical relationships established by lab tests is a necessary premise for all indirect esti- mations.


