赵硕, 周子博, 由长福. 液态添加剂对CFB锅炉SNCR脱硝的影响[J]. 煤炭学报, 2016, (10). DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2016.8010
引用本文: 赵硕, 周子博, 由长福. 液态添加剂对CFB锅炉SNCR脱硝的影响[J]. 煤炭学报, 2016, (10). DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2016.8010
ZHAO Shuo, ZHOU Zi-bo, YOU Chang-fu. Effect of liquid additives on SNCR denitrification process in CFB boiler[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2016, (10). DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2016.8010
Citation: ZHAO Shuo, ZHOU Zi-bo, YOU Chang-fu. Effect of liquid additives on SNCR denitrification process in CFB boiler[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2016, (10). DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2016.8010


Effect of liquid additives on SNCR denitrification process in CFB boiler

  • 摘要: 为提高SNCR脱硝技术在低温下的脱硝效率,选取乙醇、NaCl、Na OH三种液态物质作为添加剂,在小型机理脱硝实验台和中等规模脱硝实验台上开展了研究。研究结果表明,小型实验台上,650℃、添加剂加入比例0~0.6条件下,乙醇可将脱硝效率从5%提升到45%,微量的(20×10-6)NaCl可以提高800℃以上的脱硝效率。在中等规模脱硝实验台上,乙醇因具有最佳的混合条件不同温度下对脱硝的促进作用差异明显,NaCl,NaOH因床料含有Na对脱硝无明显促进作用。添加剂与还原剂混合条件、床料成分等会使添加剂在CFB锅炉实际使用过程中产生与机理实验相差较大的结果。


    Abstract: In order to improve the denitration efficiency under low temperature,ethanol / NaCl / NaOH were selected as liquid additives and the experiment was carried out on both a small scale denitration experimental system and a medi- um scale denitration experimental system. In the small scale denitration experimental system,ethanol can improve the denitration efficiency from 5% to 45% ,trace amounts of (20 ×10-6 ),NaCl improves the denitration efficiency from 800 ℃ . In the medium scale denitration experimental system,different additives enhance the denitration process differ- ently. Because of the best mixing condition,at different temperatures ethanol has different effects under different a- mounts. As the bed material containing Na, NaCl / NaOH does not have obvious effect on enhancing denitration process. The mixing condition between additives and flue gas,the composition of bed material,etc. make big differ- ences in using additives in CFB boiler and the experimental result.


