张杰, 杨涛, 索永录, 刘东, 周府伟. 基于隔水土层失稳模型的顶板突水致灾预测研究[J]. 煤炭学报, 2017, (10). DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2017.0078
引用本文: 张杰, 杨涛, 索永录, 刘东, 周府伟. 基于隔水土层失稳模型的顶板突水致灾预测研究[J]. 煤炭学报, 2017, (10). DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2017.0078
ZHANG Jie, YANG Tao, SUO Yonglu, LIU Dong, ZHOU Fuwei. Roof water-inrush disaster forecast based on the model of aquiclude instability[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2017, (10). DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2017.0078
Citation: ZHANG Jie, YANG Tao, SUO Yonglu, LIU Dong, ZHOU Fuwei. Roof water-inrush disaster forecast based on the model of aquiclude instability[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2017, (10). DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2017.0078


Roof water-inrush disaster forecast based on the model of aquiclude instability

  • 摘要: 为了分析隔水土层在应力场与渗流场共同作用下的失稳规律,采用有效应力原理及椭圆弧拟合下沉曲线对隔水土层稳定性进行了理论分析,求得判别公式;基于平面固液耦合试验平台,采用高精度水量监测和红外成像监测技术,进行浅埋煤层顶板突水致灾演化试验,对理论判别结果进行验证,同时揭示了开采扰动及渗流作用下隔水土层的两种破坏失稳规律。研究表明:在薄基岩情况下,隔水土层失稳与开采参数存在密切联系,导致顶板突水事故发生在两个开采时期,即工作面开切眼时期和工作面经过数次周期来压时期。前者土采比(Tc)较小,隔水土层发生"铆钉式剪切破坏";后者土采比(Tc)较大,隔水土层发生"椭圆弧拉伸破坏"。两种破坏形式的揭示可为进一步研究浅埋煤层顶板突水预测提供参考。


    Abstract: In order to analyze the instability rule of protection water soil layer influenced both by stress and seepage field,the effective stress principle and elliptic arc sinking fitting curve are used to theoretically analyze the stability of protection water soil layer,and get the discrimination formulas;based on the planar solid-liquid coupling experiment platform,the high precision water quantity monitoring and infra-red image monitoring technology are adopted to test roof water-inrush disaster in shallow coal seam,verified the theoretical judgments,and revealed the two laws of destroy instability at the same time. The study shows that in the case of thin bedrock,the instability of protection water soil lay-er closely contacts with mining parameters,which leads to disasters during two mining periods-open-off cutting and pe-riodic weighting periods of working face. Tc of former is smaller forming a “rivet type shear failure”,while,the latter is larger forming an “elliptic arc tensile fracture”. The reveal of two failure modes provides a reference of prediction on roof water-inrush disaster in shallow coal seams.


