李阳阳, 孙怀凤, 杨静, 叶琼瑶, 陈成栋, 张诺亚, 杨洋. 回线源半航空瞬变电磁响应规律[J]. 煤炭学报, 2019, 44(S2): 631-642. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2018.1628
引用本文: 李阳阳, 孙怀凤, 杨静, 叶琼瑶, 陈成栋, 张诺亚, 杨洋. 回线源半航空瞬变电磁响应规律[J]. 煤炭学报, 2019, 44(S2): 631-642. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2018.1628
LI Yangyang, SUN Huaifeng, YANG Jing, YE Qiongyao, CHEN Chengdong, ZHANG Nuoya, YANG Yang. Three-dimensional modeling of semi-airborne transient electromagnetic with loop source[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2019, 44(S2): 631-642. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2018.1628
Citation: LI Yangyang, SUN Huaifeng, YANG Jing, YE Qiongyao, CHEN Chengdong, ZHANG Nuoya, YANG Yang. Three-dimensional modeling of semi-airborne transient electromagnetic with loop source[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2019, 44(S2): 631-642. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2018.1628


Three-dimensional modeling of semi-airborne transient electromagnetic with loop source

  • 摘要: 通过在地面布设回线源进行瞬变电磁信号激发,在空中使用无人机吊载接收线圈获取瞬变电磁衰减信号,实现半航空瞬变电磁探测。半航空瞬变电磁相对于传统的地面瞬变电磁存在飞行高度、接收偏移距等诸多因素的影响。针对上述问题,基于三维时域有限差分方法,研究了地面回线源发射、无人机空中接收的半航空瞬变电磁三维正演响应规律。采用均匀半空间模型和层状模型研究了半航空瞬变电磁场曲线形态特征,研究均匀半空间和层状模型在不同接收高度、偏移距下衰减电压曲线,发现均匀半空间模型衰减电压受接收高度的影响主要集中在早期,晚期趋于重合; 随着电阻率值和偏移距的增大,衰减电压曲线幅值降低,且对于偏移距的响应主要集中在早期。对于层状模型,发现半航空瞬变电磁可以有效识别地层电阻率变化。通过研究三维地电模型的半航空瞬变电磁响应,分别设计低阻异常A模型、低阻异常B模型、混合低阻异常模型、高阻-低阻异常模型4种,改变半航空瞬变电磁的接受高度、异常体的尺寸、异常体的埋深、不同的偏移距,发现半航空瞬变电磁电压响应曲线受接收高度的影响主要集中在早期,到晚期衰减电压曲线趋于重合; 但在异常体相对浅埋的情况下,对于异常体埋置深度的响应不太明显; 对于偏移距的响应与接收高度的影响相似,均集中在衰减电压曲线的早期。


    Abstract: The semi-aeronautical transient electromagnetic detection can be realized by laying a loop on the ground to excite the transient electromagnetic signal and by using the UAV receiving coin in the air to obtain the transient electromagnetic attenuation signal.However, compared with the traditional ground-based transient electromagnetic, there are many factors affecting the semi-airborne transient electromagnetic detection, such as flight altitude, receiving offset and so on.Based on the grid meshing in three-dimensional transient electromagnetic using finite difference time-domain (FDTD), the three-dimensional forward response law of semi-airborne transient electromagnetic with loop-source on the ground launching and UAV receiving in the air is studied in this paper.Firstly, the uniform half-space model and layered model are used to study the morphological characteristics of the semi-aeronautical transient electromagnetic field curve.By studying the curve at different receiving heights, it can be found that the influence of receiving height is mainly concentrated in the early stage and tends to coincide in the late stage, and that as the resistivity value increases, the amplitude of the voltage curve decreases.By studying the curve at different offsets, it can be found that as the offset increases, the amplitude of the decaying voltage curve gradually decreases and that the response is mainly concentrated in the early time.For the layered model, the semi-aviation transient electromagnetic can effectively identify the formation resistivity changes.Finally, by studying the semi-aeronautical transient electromagnetic response of the 3D geo-electric model, four geological models including low resistance anomaly A model, low resistance anomaly B model, mixed low resistance anomaly model, and high resistance and low resistance anomaly model are designed.By changing the acceptance height, size and depth of the abnormal body, and the offset of semi-aeronautical transient electromagnetic, it is found that the semi-aeronautical transient electromagnetic voltage response curve is mainly affected by the receiving height, and the decay voltage curves tend to coincide in the late stage.However, when the abnormal body is relatively shallow buried, the response to the buried depth of the anomalous body is less obvious.The response to the offset is similar to the effect of the receiving height, both concentrated in the early stage of the decay voltage curve.


