刘少虹, 潘俊锋, 王洪涛, 齐庆新, 唐忠义, 冯美华, 娄金福, 张豫龙. 基于地震波和电磁波CT联合探测的采掘巷道冲击危险性评价方法[J]. 煤炭学报, 2018, (11). DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2018.8002
引用本文: 刘少虹, 潘俊锋, 王洪涛, 齐庆新, 唐忠义, 冯美华, 娄金福, 张豫龙. 基于地震波和电磁波CT联合探测的采掘巷道冲击危险性评价方法[J]. 煤炭学报, 2018, (11). DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2018.8002
LIU Shaohong, PAN Junfeng, WANG Hongtao, QI Qingxin, TANG Zhongyi, FENG Meihua, LOU Jinfu, ZHANG Yulong. Assessment of rock burst risk in roadway based on the combination of seismic and electromagnetic wave CT technology[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2018, (11). DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2018.8002
Citation: LIU Shaohong, PAN Junfeng, WANG Hongtao, QI Qingxin, TANG Zhongyi, FENG Meihua, LOU Jinfu, ZHANG Yulong. Assessment of rock burst risk in roadway based on the combination of seismic and electromagnetic wave CT technology[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2018, (11). DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2018.8002


Assessment of rock burst risk in roadway based on the combination of seismic and electromagnetic wave CT technology

  • 摘要: 电磁波CT能够探测掘进工作面,但无法探测掘进工作面后方的大面积区域;地震波CT能够探测回采工作面内部,但是探测不了两侧的煤柱,即基于单一CT探测手段的冲击危险性评价方法,在矿井采掘巷道存在评价盲区。针对上述实际问题,建立了一种基于地震波和电磁波CT联合探测的采掘巷道冲击危险性评价方法;将2种现场实测手段电磁波CT和地震波CT2相结合,研究了基于2种CT探测的冲击危险性评价方法的数学表达;以时间和地点为状态变量,以现场动力显现情况及CT探测结果为驱动变量,确定了评价方法的内在逻辑关系及实施流程。通过分析基于地震波和电磁波CT探测的冲击危险性评价的力学基础,建立了冲击危险性评价模型;在2种CT探测的基础上,实现了采掘巷道冲击危险等级的确定及危险区域的划分;将该评价方法进行工程实践表明,通过将2种CT探测方式联合起来,实现了掘进工作面及其后方大面积区域,回采工作面及区段煤柱区的冲击危险性评价,验证了评价方法的有效性。该方法克服了基于单一CT探测手段的评价方法在探测尺度上的局限,几乎覆盖了矿井采掘巷道所有潜在冲击危险区域,为冲击地压治理提供了较为准确的依据,具有较好的应用效果。在时间上,该方法将CT探测与矿井的采掘接续相结合,初步确定探测顺序,并根据实际的动力显现情况和之前CT探测的结果加以调整。从空间来说,覆盖了掘进面、回采工作面和煤柱等矿井采掘巷道几乎所有潜在冲击危险区域,基本保证了无评价盲区。并且,该方法充分发挥了震动波与电磁波CT探测操作过程的便捷性,能够较好的适应井下现场动力显现的突发性。


    Abstract: The electromagnetic wave CT can detect the heading face,but cannot detect the large area behind the head-ing. The seismic wave CT can detect the coal body of mining face,but cannot detect the pillars on both sides. There is a blind evaluation area in the mining roadway for the impact risk assessment based on single CT detection method. To overcome the practical problems mentioned above,an evaluation method of mining roadway impact hazard based on the combined detection of seismic wave and electromagnetic wave CT was established. Combining the electromagnetic wave CT with the seismic wave CT,the mathematical expression of impact hazard evaluation method based on two kinds of CT detections was researched. Time and position were taken as state variables,the internal logic relationship and im-plementation process of the evaluation method were determined by taking the field dynamic performance and CT detec-tion results as driving variables. Through the analysis of the mechanics foundation of impact risk assessment based on the seismic wave and the electromagnetic wave CT detection,the model of impact risk assessment was established. On the basis of two kinds of CT detections,the determination of the impact risk grade and the division of the dangerous ar-ea in the mining roadway were realized. The combination of survey methods had realized the determination of danger-ous grade and the division of dangerous area in the heading face and large area behind it,mining face and coal pillar area. The validity of the evaluation method was verified. This method overcomes the limitation of evaluation method based on a single CT detection method in detection scale,and almost covers all potential dangerous impact areas in the mining roadway. It provides a more accurate basis for the treatment of rock burst and has a better application effect. In terms of time,the method combines the CT detection with mine excavation,determines the detection sequence prelimi-narily,and adjusts it according to the actual dynamic performance and the results of the last CT detection. In terms of space,it covers almost all the potential impact dangerous areas in the mining roadways such as heading face,mining face and coal pillars,and basically guarantees no evaluation blind areas. Moreover,the method makes full use of the convenience of the operation process of vibration wave and electromagnetic wave CT detection,and has a good adapta-bility to the sudden onset of field dynamic manifestation.


