张秋双, 姚竣文, 崔琳, 邴栋, 陈桂芳, 董勇. 脱硫废水荷电蒸发及产物特性研究[J]. 煤炭学报, 2020, 45(8): 2987-2994. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2019.0469
引用本文: 张秋双, 姚竣文, 崔琳, 邴栋, 陈桂芳, 董勇. 脱硫废水荷电蒸发及产物特性研究[J]. 煤炭学报, 2020, 45(8): 2987-2994. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2019.0469
ZHANG Qiushuang, YAO Junwen, CUI Lin, BING Dong, CHEN Guifang, DONG Yong. Evaporation and dry products characteristics of charged desulfurization wastewater[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2020, 45(8): 2987-2994. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2019.0469
Citation: ZHANG Qiushuang, YAO Junwen, CUI Lin, BING Dong, CHEN Guifang, DONG Yong. Evaporation and dry products characteristics of charged desulfurization wastewater[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2020, 45(8): 2987-2994. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2019.0469


Evaporation and dry products characteristics of charged desulfurization wastewater

  • 摘要: 传统的石灰石-石膏湿法烟气脱硫技术在高效脱除烟气中SO2的同时,会产生一定量难处理的脱硫废水。目前利用热烟气蒸干是处理脱硫废水的有效途径,但在实际应用中,由于脱硫废水蒸发速度慢等问题容易引起烟道的结垢与腐蚀。为更好地实现脱硫废水烟气蒸发处理,提高脱硫废水在烟道内的蒸发速度,本文利用高压静电感应荷电理论,提出脱硫废水荷电蒸发技术,通过搭建脱硫废水荷电蒸发热态实验系统,对脱硫废水荷电蒸发后的沿程温度分布,不同荷电电压与雾化压力下干燥产物自身的粒径分布与荷电量变化等进行了研究。结果表明,脱硫废水中由于CaCl2等盐分的存在,限制了其蒸发速度,且干燥后增加了烟气中细颗粒的浓度;与不荷电相比,荷电雾化能够提高脱硫废水的蒸发速度,并能够通过电荷迁移使干燥后的细颗粒荷电,而且颗粒粒径越大所带的电荷量越多;受荷电液滴蒸发破碎机制不同的影响,提高荷电电压,脱硫废水蒸发干燥后的细颗粒数减少,但细颗粒所带的电荷量增加;提高雾化压力,脱硫废水蒸发干燥后的细颗粒数增加,但细颗粒所带的电荷量减少;荷电电压极性对干燥产物的粒径分布基本没有影响。研究结论证明了脱硫废水荷电蒸发的可行性,并为脱硫废水荷电蒸发协同促进细颗粒团聚提供了基础数据与理论支持。


    Abstract: The SO2 can be removed effectively by the traditional limestone-gypsum wet flue gas desulfurization technology,but some desulfurization wastewater can be produced simultaneously. At present,using the hot flue gas to evaporate desulfurization wastewater is one of effective ways,but in practical applications,because of the slow evaporation rate of desulfurization wastewater,it is easy to cause scaling and corrosion of the flue. For achieving a better flue gas evaporation treatment of desulfurization wastewater,accelerating the evaporation rate of desulfurization wastewater in the flue,a charged desulfurization wastewater evaporation technology was proposed based on the electrostatic induction charge theory. The flue gas temperature distribution,the particle size distribution of the dried products and the change of charge amount were investigated using a thermal experiment system of charged desulfurization wastewater evaporation under different charge voltages and atomization pressures. The results show that the evaporation rate is limited and the fine particle concentration of dried flue gas is increased due to the presence of salt such as CaCl2 in the desulfurization wastewater. Compared with no charge, the concentration of fine particle is still unimodal distribution after charged desulfurization wastewater evaporation,the charged atomization can raise the evaporation rate of desulfurization wastewater,the dried fine particles can be charged by the charge transfer,and the electric charge quantity of the particle is higher with larger particle size. Affected by the evaporation and fragmentation mechanism of charged droplets,the measurable dried fine particle number decreases with the increase of the charge voltage after desulfurization wastewater evaporation,but the electric charge quantity of dried fine particle increases. While the measurable dried fine particle number increases with the increase of the atomization pressure,but the electric charge quantity of dried fine particle decreases. The polarity of charged voltage has no effect on the particle size distribution of dried product. The feasibility of charged desulfurization wastewater evaporation is proved,and the basic data and theoretical support for the combined evaporation of charged desulfurization wastewater with particles agglomeration are provided.


