王博, 姜福兴, 朱斯陶, 张修峰, 尚晓光, 顾颖诗, 吴震. 深井工作面顶板疏水区高强度开采诱冲机制及防治[J]. 煤炭学报, 2020, 45(9): 3054-3064. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2020.0382
引用本文: 王博, 姜福兴, 朱斯陶, 张修峰, 尚晓光, 顾颖诗, 吴震. 深井工作面顶板疏水区高强度开采诱冲机制及防治[J]. 煤炭学报, 2020, 45(9): 3054-3064. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2020.0382
WANG Bo, JIANG Fuxing, ZHU Sitao, ZHANG Xiufeng, SHANG Xiaoguang, GU Yingshi, WU Zhen. Investigating on the mechanism and prevention of rock burst induced by high intensity mining of drainage area in deep mines[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2020, 45(9): 3054-3064. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2020.0382
Citation: WANG Bo, JIANG Fuxing, ZHU Sitao, ZHANG Xiufeng, SHANG Xiaoguang, GU Yingshi, WU Zhen. Investigating on the mechanism and prevention of rock burst induced by high intensity mining of drainage area in deep mines[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2020, 45(9): 3054-3064. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2020.0382


Investigating on the mechanism and prevention of rock burst induced by high intensity mining of drainage area in deep mines

  • 摘要: 陕蒙矿区深井工作面普遍具有顶板富水、高强度开采等特点,且工作面开采过顶板疏水区域时已存在明显冲击地压显现,根据事故现场勘查及监测数据分析,发现该类冲击地压与工作面顶板疏水及开采强度有密切关系。通过建立疏水后工作面支承压力估算力学模型,研究了富水区疏水前后应力演化规律;同时,建立了高强度开采支承压力分布模型,研究了推采速度对工作面超前支承压力的影响。综合分析了疏水及高强度开采对工作面应力分布规律的影响,揭示了深井工作面顶板疏水区高强度开采下冲击地压发生机理。得到如下结论:疏水引起的应力集中程度在工作面开采时已趋于稳定,形成增压区与卸压区,是煤层及其顶板的静应力源;同一推采时间下推采速度越快,基本顶悬顶距越长,断裂前积聚的弹性能越多,超前支承压力峰值距煤壁越近,峰值越大,相应位置巷道围岩变形速率越快;当工作面快速推采经过疏水形成的增压区时,应力叠加易超过发生冲击地压的临界值,能量释放促使工作面煤壁发生冲击。将研究成果应用于深井富水工作面开采期间冲击地压防治,提出了疏水区域前后推采速度动态调控的防冲方法,根据微震监测及理论计算制定了工作面的临界推采速度,保证了工作面的安全回采。研究成果可为陕蒙矿区深井富水工作面开采期间冲击地压的防治及推采速度的确定提供参考。


    Abstract: The deep mine working faces in Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia mining areas are generally characterized by water-rich roof and high-intensity mining,and obvious rock bursts have emerged when the mining passes the drainage areas of roof. Through the investigation of the accident scene and analysis of monitoring data,it was found that this kind of rock burst is closely related to the drainage water and mining intensity of the mining face. By establishing the mechanical model for estimating the abutment pressure of the working face after water drainage,the stress evolution law before and after water drainage in water-rich area was studied. Then,an abutment pressure distribution model under high-intensity mining was established,and the influence of the mining advance speed on the lead abutment pressure of the working face was studied. It also made a comprehensive analysis of the effects of drainage and high-intensity mining on the stress distribution law of the working face,revealing the mechanism of rock burst under high intensity mining of drainage area in deep buried working face. Research results are as follows:the stress concentration caused by water drainage has become stable before mining,and the pressurized zone and pressure-relief zone,as the static stress source of the coal seam and its roof,were formed. At the same mining time,the faster the mining advance speed was,the longer the hanging distance of basic roof was,the more elastic energy was accumulated before fracture,the closer the peak of lead abutment pressure was to the coal wall,the greater the peak was,and the faster the deformation rate of roadway surrounding rock in the corresponding position was. When the working face was rapidly mined through the pressurized area, the stress superposition easily exceeded the critical value of rock burst, and the energy released brought about the rock burst of coal wall. The research results were applied to the prevention of rock burst during the mining of the water-rich working face in deep mines,and a rock burst prevention method for the dynamic regulation of mining advance speed in the drainage area was put forward. Based on the micro-seismic monitoring and theoretical calculations,the critical mining advance speed was formulated to ensure safe mining on the working face. The research results provide a technical guidance for the rock burst prevention and the mining advance speed determination during the mining of the water-rich working face in the deep mines of Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia mining areas.


