王佟, 蔡杏兰, 李飞, 王辉, 刘金森, 周伟, 谢色新, 赵欣, 宁康超, 杨庆祝, 李聪聪, 高超, 孙浩, 龚雨杭. 高原高寒矿区生态地质层修复中的土壤层构建与成分变化差异[J]. 煤炭学报, 2022, 47(6): 2407-2419. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2022.0195
引用本文: 王佟, 蔡杏兰, 李飞, 王辉, 刘金森, 周伟, 谢色新, 赵欣, 宁康超, 杨庆祝, 李聪聪, 高超, 孙浩, 龚雨杭. 高原高寒矿区生态地质层修复中的土壤层构建与成分变化差异[J]. 煤炭学报, 2022, 47(6): 2407-2419. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2022.0195
WANG Tong, CAI Xinglan, LI Fei, WANG Hui, LIU Jinsen, ZHOU Wei, XIE Sexin, ZHAO Xin, NING Kangchao, YANG Qingzhu, LI Congcong, GAO Chao, SUN Hao, GONG Yuhang. Soil layer construction and composition changes in restoration of ecological and geological layer in alpine mining area on plateau[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2022, 47(6): 2407-2419. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2022.0195
Citation: WANG Tong, CAI Xinglan, LI Fei, WANG Hui, LIU Jinsen, ZHOU Wei, XIE Sexin, ZHAO Xin, NING Kangchao, YANG Qingzhu, LI Congcong, GAO Chao, SUN Hao, GONG Yuhang. Soil layer construction and composition changes in restoration of ecological and geological layer in alpine mining area on plateau[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2022, 47(6): 2407-2419. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2022.0195


Soil layer construction and composition changes in restoration of ecological and geological layer in alpine mining area on plateau

  • 摘要: 木里矿区地处高原高寒地区,经多年开采后生态破坏严重,土壤资源极度贫乏,能否将采矿渣土改良成适宜植被生长复绿的人造“土壤层”成为了生态修复过程中的科学难题。基于此,开展了适宜祁连山腹地高寒草甸生长的重构土壤材料和改良最佳配方的研究与试验。选用木里矿区渣土为土壤层构建矿基材料,以当地羊板粪、商品有机肥、牧草专用肥等为土壤改良材料,分土壤层构建和人造土壤肥力提升两大部分在矿区现场室内设置不同配比开展盆栽种草及出苗对比实验研究,重点分析了土壤层构建出的人造土壤与原始草甸土的差异。研究结果表明:① 通过将羊板粪和矿区内经过人工破碎筛选后的细纯渣土进行深度拌合,可以有效构建具备植被立地条件和基本生长条件的人造土壤;② 利用主成分分析法,分析了不同材料和配比在加入人造土壤后,土壤肥力提升的综合效果,得出渣土+羊板粪+商品有机肥+牧草专用肥(组合3)的土壤层构建方案最优,牧草长势好,与原始草甸土壤成分最相近;③ 现场大面积土壤层构建时,根据最佳的配比方案,制定了羊板粪用量为450 m3/hm2左右、商品有机肥用量为22 500~30 000 m3/hm2、牧草专用肥为225 kg/hm2的土壤层构建和肥力改良方案,复绿成效显著,在高原高寒木里煤矿区生态修复过程中,推广应用了土壤层构建方法,有效解决了当地无土的难题,矿区的生态环境得到有效治理,节省高额的治理费用,也为同类矿区大面积生态地质层修复提供参考和借鉴。


    Abstract: The Muli mining area is located in the alpine region on the plateau.After years of mining, the local ecological system is seriously damaged and the soil resources are extremely poor.Whether the waste soil after mining can be improved into artificial “hydrogels” suitable for vegetation growth and re-greening has become a scientific problem in the process of ecological restoration.Based on this, some researches and experiments on reconstructed soil materials suitable for the growth of alpine meadows in the hinterland of the Qilian Mountains and the optimal formulation for improvement were carried out.The residue from the Muli mining area was selected as the reconstituted soil mineral-based material, while the local sheep manure and commercial organic fertilizer were used as the soil improvement materials.The comparative experiment was divided into two parts:soil construction and artificial soil fertility improvement.The differences between artificial soil and original meadow soil were analyzed through indoor seedling comparison experiments.The results showed that:① Artificial soil with vegetation growth conditions can be constructed by mixing sheep board manure and broken fine pure slag.② The principal component analysis method was used to evaluate the effect of different materials and ratios on soil fertility improvement.It was concluded that the soil construction scheme of muck soil + sheep board manure + commercial organic fertilizer + special fertilizer for pasture(combination 3)was the best, and the pasture grew well, which is the closest to the soil composition of the original meadow.③ A large-area soil construction and fertility improvement plan with sheep board manure dosage of 450 m3/hm2, commercial organic fertilizer dosage of 22 500-30 000 m3/hm2, and pasture-specific fertilizer of 225 kg/hm2 was selected, and the regreening effect is remarkable.In the process of ecological restoration in the plateau alpine Muli coal mining area, the soil construction method was popularized and applied.The application of soil construction method can effectively solve the problem of no soil in the local area, the ecological environment of the mining area can be treated and the high cost of treatment can be saved.This method also provides reference for the restoration of mine ecological geological layers in some similar areas.


